Chapter 38

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A/N : Sorry this is so short, but its a huge point in the story...

The song on the right, is kind of Nicole's process of trying to find where she stands with everything...


My eyes fluttered open to welcome the sunlight from the morning into the room. I smiled as I felt that chain around my neck.  looked down and began to play with that cursive B. I couldn't help b smile and sigh into it, I sighed to realize I was the only one in the room, Elena and Amy were gone already.

I slide out of bed and looked beside my night stand and glared down at that black box. I looked around, feeling a slight hint that I wasn't exactly alone, but I picked up the box and placed it on my bed and lifted the lid and gaze down at the jersey.


I felt my chin quiver as I felt some tears threaten to slide down my cheeks.

"Nicole." echoed his voice, through my ears. I shivered as my gaze traveled up from the jersey into the eye of my father, once more. "We need to talk."

I rose and eyebrow, "...and you choose to rise from the dead to do this... could've just talked to you over the Queja board." I shrugged, remembering that was one of the jokes Blasie made to calm me down.

"This is no laughing matter Nicole, I have a few things to explain to you..." He said, beckoning me to follow him toward the window. I followed, hesitating the entire. " should know that no one is, who they say they are..." he echoed, as his eyes traveled from me, out the window and down upon Amy, Elena, Hermione, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Fred and George.

They were playing that muggle game, football.

I rose and eyebrow and looked over into the fading figure of my father.

"Anything else?" I smirked, as his eyes widened in disappointment.

"Why are you not surprised?" He echoed, appearing in from of my bed, as I slide the lid back onto the box and slide it into my trunk and began to pack my clothes once more.

"Well, ever sense you've died, and mother 'resurfaced', my best mate trying to kill me, one of my best mates being a deatheater, and now my newly found boyfriend being a deatheater, I'm not a person to really 'surprise' so, good luck with that." I smirked, crossing my arms as a knock sounded around the room and with m eyes shooting to the door and then back to my father's figure, which was gone.

"Come in." I found my voice ringing, as the door slide open and in slide Lupin. "Oh, hi." I dropped my gaze and clicked my trunk shut and slide onto my bed and patted the bed in front of me for him to take a seat.

Lupin did so, but with a lot of hesitation.

"What?" I smirked, seeing this.

"You're not yelling at me...?" He stuttered, rising a file from his bag.

I just rose both eyebrows and crossed my arms, to indicate that this episode wasn't going to last long as he cleared his throat and opened up a file and pulled a picture out of it and placed it face down on the bed a he sighed.

"What is it?" I questioned, rising an eyebrow after letting my first facial expression disappear. "Did you get anything on my, so called, mother?"

"Yes" He nodded, almost stuttering, but not looking directly into my eyes.

"Well, let me see it...?" I said, almost questionably, attempting to snatch the picture, but Lupin snatched It out of my reach. "What the hell -?" I started to yell at him, once more.

That seemed to be my thing as far as Lupin goes, yelling at him a lot.

" should know that no one is, who they say they are..."

This made me think before I spoke my next sentence. I was terrible to Lupin, I've had a terrible attitude sense the realization hit me that I didn't have a normal life per say. You know,  had no clue when he would be gone, and it could end up being like the similar situation with my own father.

No funeral.

No emotion, but anger.

I sighed and felt my lips curl into a smile as I took Lupin by the hands, his eyebrows rising in confusion.

"Black, what is it?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to he right.

"I want to apologize for being such a bitch to you these last few years. You didn't deserve it, its not your fault." I sighed, shrugging and letting go of his hands and crossing my arms. "Listen, its not like me to apologize and be all, don't get use to it alright?"

Lupin nodded with a grin. "You've spoken with him haven't you?"

"Who?" I squealed, rising an eyebrow, leaning forward.

"Sirius." He simply stated, looking away from me. "I've spoken to him too..."

"'ve seen him too!" I gasped, adjusting myself on the bed, so I was sitting on my knees, almost leaning forward as if this 'show' was getting interesting. "I'm not crazy."

"No, you're not." Lupin shook his head. "Nicole, you're like a daughter to me, sense that happened, and I would like you to brace yourself, for this..." He sighed, turning back to me. "...brace yourself now..."

"What is it?" I asked, pushing this information out of him. "Did you find anything, worthy, out...?"

"Yes," He sighed, then looked away from me. "but no."

"Okay...?" I rose and eyebrow.

"The only thing we could dig up from this note..." he started, pulling out some papers and slide them into my hands. "...was this."

"Only a name?" I rose and eyebrow as I scanned through the paper. "Ella?"

" last name, no record, just...Ella." shrugged Lupin.

"I have a feeing, i'll be 'getting to know' her pretty soon anyway." I smirked, catching Lupin's eye. "Its not like I'm going to look for her, or anything." I shrugged, rising and moving toward my closet.  "I'm not stupid."

"Good," smiled Lupin as he gathered his papers and hugged me as I tugged on some pants and grabbed a shirt as the door busted open and in stumbled Amy and Elena, who were laughing and a overwhelming smell of sweat and grass filled the room, making Lupin wave as he disappeared out of the room and I covered my nose with my clothes.

"What was that about?" asked Amy, grinning.

"What is that smell, you need a shower!" smirked Elena as I rose my eyebrows and shook my head and moved toward the door and looked down the corridor, to make sure Lupin was gone, and that's when I slammed the door and turned to my best mates, who looked a little frightened.

"First off, you both need a shower you stink." I smile, shoving them out of the way as I changed into some actual clothe. "Second off, after Draco goes through with, whatever he is doing, we need to get captured by Deatheaters."

"WHAT?" gasped Elena and Amy in unison.

"Yes. We need to find, Ella." I simply stated, realizing Lupin had left something on her bed, so she picked it up and gazed over it and handed it over to her mates. "She is my supposed mother...and I plan to find her -"

"- and do what?" smirked Amy as Elena passed her the paper.

"Not sure, but whatever I end up won't be clean or pretty." I said darkly, cutting eyes from them, to my trunk, thinking of this next term coming up. Who knew what was going to happen, all I knew was...all hell was about to break lose.

" should know that no one is, who they say they are..."

I looked over at Amy and Elena, who was speaking amongst their selves.

I didn't know what to think any more....

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