Chapter 48

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"Drake," I sighed, getting his attention from his book, he had been scanning over as I laid on his bed, starring up at the ceiling. "what do you thinks gunna happen tomorrow?"

Draco just rose an eyebrow, and sighed heavily. "You do understand that its not until tomorrow night, right?"

"Like that makes a difference." I pointed out, pulling myself back upright, and hugged my knees into my chest.

"I know it doesn't, but it makes it further away, than just saying tomorrow, right?" He questioned as he put his book onto his side table and crawled onto the bed, next to me, wrapping his arms around my upper torso and gently placing my head on his bear chest.

I ran my hand gently over his muscular torso and sighed, kissing his neck, then placed my head where it was originally.

"I just, don't want lose anybody..." I whispered, looking down at the ring, I had been wearing that Draco had gotten me for Christmas. "...I don't want anything to happen to you."

"Hey," He said gently, taking my hand and we both stared down at the ring. "don't you worry that pretty, big brain of yours, we'll be okay."

"Promise?" I questioned, as Draco shot me a lopsided grin. We both knew it was foolish for me to ask that, at all.

I just took in a deep breath and sighed heavily. Why did everything have to be so hard?

"So, let me ask you something..." Draco's voice rolled back the clouds of thought within my mind as my attention shifted over to him. "...did Amy get anything for Christmas, or Valentines Day...from a mysterious admirer or something?"

I rose an eyebrow as I looked over at his movements, getting the book he bad been reading on from off his night table.

"Why?' I questioned as he flipped the book open to the page where I interrupted him. "What kind of book were you reading?"

"Mind control." he simply stated, nodding towards the book, it was open to a article that I was obviously meant to read.

I cleared my throat as I scanned each word and began to read it out loud;

"Mind control can be a difficult thing to keep from going out of control. The main thing is clarity and concentration. Without these two, things wouldn't go over so well..."

I rose an eyebrow at this. Voldemort definitely wasn't doing this shit by accident.

"...the best way to handle this, and to keep it in control is to jinx an object and deliver it to your victim of choice. This victim has to wear said object, in order for the curse to run its course."

"Now, what did Amy get?" Draco questioned once more, nodding slightly.

"Sh - she got a bracelet, for Christmas!" I managed to get out, once I turned to him.

"The way I see it, you get that bracelet off and away from Amy, we won't have any issue as far Voldy checking up on us." He suggested.

"Wait, what about you and Blasie?" I questioned, grabbing his wrist and motioning to his mark. "And me?" I asked, looking down at my own arm.

Draco took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

Instantly, my worry began to fade slowly, and I felt my heart melt, then sink.

"What..?" came Draco's concerned toned, as my eyes shot up into his.

"We've got to tell Amy -"

" - El -"

" - we have to go get Nicole -"

"- baby -"

"- ans tell her!"

"Elena!" He giggled, as he watched me frantically pull my jeans back up and my shirt over my head. "Sweetheart!"

"What?" I whimpered, zipping up my grey cloth jacket.

"Be careful." He stated, rising from the bed and pulled a shirt over his head.

I rose an eyebrow. "Where are you going? You're not coming with me?"

"No, I've got to meet up with Snape tonight." He nodded, stepping up to me.

"Don't tell him -" I found myself starting, but I cut myself short, and judging by Draco's expression, it was wise for me not to finish that thought.

" - What?" He swallowed hard. "You - you don't trust me?"

"I do, its just he can -" I started, but Draco just nodded and pulled me into a gentle and satisfying kiss.

" - it'll be okay!" He smiled, as he kissed me once more. "I love you."

My eyes went wide, and my heart fluttered.

"I love you too!" I practically squealed.

He giggled, kissing me once again, and we both deepened the kiss and it got pretty passionate and rough for a few moments;

Hair pulling, nibbling on the lips, his hands running all my body, and mine his.

We both pulled away, pretty abruptly, and smiled at each other.

"Until tomorrow." Draco nodded as I pulled him into a tight hug and I felt his grip tighten as a response.

He disappeared before I could say anything, and I felt a slight rip, type tug, at my heart.

I just sighed, and straightened myself up before exited the dorm myself.

"Nicole..." came a male voice that I soon recognized as Blasie's voice.

I stopped right outside a door, that I thought the voice came from behind.

I pressed my ear against the door to hear Nicole's voice muttering.

"Nicole!" I called, gently through the door. I knocked slightly, as I heard footsteps and the door opened.

"Elena!" smiled Blasie, beckoning Nicole from the other side of the room.

"Hey girl!" smiled Nicole, coming into view, zipping up her pants, with Blasie's Quiddich jersey. "What's up?"

"We need to talk to Amy..." I said, slowly, as I watched Blaise cheeks flush bright red. "...what's going -?"

"- Tell you later, what's wrong with Amy?" She asked, beginning to panic.

"Nothing, we just need to talk to her!" I nodded as Nicole smiled and held up an index, indicating for me to hold on. I nodded again, and giggled at their shakiness.

"...until tomorrow..." smiled Blasie, pulling Nicole into a kiss, that made me squeal and clap rapidly.

Nicole and Blasie rose eyebrows and looked in my direction as I realized my action.

"Be sure to slap me, next time I do that." I giggled as Blasie giggled as well and kissed Nicole again and went to press past me. "Where are you going?"

Nicole rose an eyebrow, as we both looked at him oddly as he adjusted his shirt.

"I've gotta talk to Snape." He stated, before smiling over at Nicole and disappearing down the corridor.

"Draco is going too." I nodded as Nicole pulled Blasie's door shut, and she rose an eyebrow in a suspicious manner.

" what's this about Amy?' She asked as I began to explain about the bracelet.

When we finally made it to the Gryffindor common room, and was pointed up to Ron's dorm, what we walked in, wasn't exactly what we expected...

Cut.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon