Chapter 42

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A/N : I'm switching up the order of the characters, just so you know!


I was the first in the room, seeing Amy's limp body lying on the Hospital bed, but when I saw her chest rise, then fall, I let a breath, I had no clue I was holding.

"El..." whimpered Amy, and her eyes fluttered open as her hand reached for mine.

I glanced over at Draco and Pansy, realizing neither Blaise nor Nicole had came into the room, but I was hesitant to take Amy's hand, considering the cat was let out of the bag just a few moments ago.

I swallowed hard, our friendship was so strong, or at least that's how it felt to me, so with a little grin, I took her hand.

"...where's Nicole?" she gasped, looking around finally seeing the three other figures in the room. "Ronald, Pansy...Draco, you came?"she asked, confused.

Draco just grinned and glanced at Pansy, who moved past Ron and took her other hand.

"I'm here little cuz." Pansy smiled as I released Amy's other hand, making Ron's hand replace my own.

"No, El -" started Amy, but I shot er a smile.

"- I'll be back, I have to step out for a moment." I nodded, trying not to let Amy see the truth all over my face. I exited the room to have Draco follow me.

"Why didn't you guys say anything?" I questioned, crossing my arms and leaning against the castle wall, it was hard and cold, just like this situation.

"Honestly, love, I thought you knew." Draco admitted, shrugging to himself, attempting to move  forward, but I found myself just shaking my head. "El, baby, we cant fall apart, not now -"

"- SHIT AS LYING TO ME!" screamed Nicole's voice, making the both of us jump. It wasn't a minute and Blaise came stumbling back into the room, rubbing his head and almost howling in pain.

"Are you alright?" I gasped, racing to my cousin's side. Draco took the other side and we helped him into the hospital wing.

"Yeah, I pissed off Nicole." He explained, eyeing the door that we were making him approach. "Good thing we were already here..." he giggled as a Professor took him from us and lead him to the bed beside Amy.

"El," came Draco's voice caught my attention. "as you were saying..."

"More like what you were saying." I stated, shaking my head at the sight of Amy, and her condition.

Draco sighed, "Are you made at me for not telling you? I figured if Blaise knew, you knew..."

"Well, I didn't Draco, I just watched one best mate, almost get murdered in front of me, honestly I don't think if Nicole hadn't of tackled her...knocking her out...she probably would be dead right now." I explained, eyeing my wrists, remembering the blood.

Draco just stood there, and looked away.

"As for my other best mate, I just watched her entire world collapse around her." I sniffed, feeling an overwhelming amount of sympathy for Nicole. "I figured Blaise would help calm her down, but obviously not." I looked over at Draco and sighed. "You should've said something."

"I know, but you do understand, now, that Pansy, Blaise and myself just committed Treason against Voldemort...we'll probably be killed..." Draco stammered, worried.

"No," I sighed, and paused for a moment, letting Draco's face sink into her thoughts. I was about to expose a secret of my own, I hadn't thought of it in months, in quite some time.

"How do you know?" asked Draco, as if he was scared o know the answer.

"Even though I didn't know why or the real reason, I knew Voldemort wanted Nicole to know..." I admitted, biting my lip, turning away from my love.

"Again, how?" asked Draco, confused. He stepped closer to me, but I stepped away. "Why do you keep doing that?"

"Because, after what I have to say, you wont want to be around me, out of fear and anger." I attempted to warn him as his eyebrows rose in worry. "I, too, am about to commit Treason."

"What have you done El? Is it that bad?" questioned Draco, pushing.

"Draco," I sighed, and looked around. I was about to admit my deepest secret, and I might lose my life over it, but I felt it was absolutely necessary. "I'm a double agent -"

"YOU'RE A WHAT?" He screamed, then glanced around and moved toward me to be more secretive. "You're a what?"

"A double agent, it started, after I became a death eater, I went to Dumbledore about it because other than you and my family's pressure, I had no real reason to be on the dark side, so I'm on both. I got so close to Voldemort he told me so much, up until the whole reasoning behind him wanting  Nicole dead and all, but I knew a lot up until Amy..." I explained, seeing his jaw on the ground. "...Draco, you alright?"

"I need a minute..." He said, walking backward, and I tried to catch his hand, but he snatched away.

"Draco, its like you said, we can't fall apart right now...what do you call this?" I shouted, making him stop, then turn to face me.

"When exactly were you going to tell me this?" He asked, approaching her quickly.

"I'm not the only one keeping secrets around here Malfoy!" I spat as he jumped at me saying his last name so harshly. "You can't stand there and down me for this, when you have plenty of secrets of you own!"

"Mine can get you killed though -" he started to put his hand in my cheek, but I slapped it away.

"- and mine cant?" I stared at him, and shook my head. "This war is tearing us, all of us apart!"

"Elena -" Draco started, but I threw my hands up and stormed back into the Hospital wing and took the free chair between Blasie and Amy, and I noticed Draco didnt follow me.

This was a horrible situation.

Too many secrets have been spilt today.

Too many.

Nicole was right, we won't let him win this war, I refuse to see it.

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