Chapter 46

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"So, wait what?" I gasped, feeling my head begin to hurt once more as Nicole grabbed my wrist and began to pull me along behind her through the dark corridors. "Where are we going?" I asked, rather loudly.

"I know i caused you to have a slight concussion, but do you want another one?" Nicole snapped, placing her hand over my mouth, so i wouldn't speak anymore. I grinned slightly at her seriousness and shook my head as she nodded slightly and pressed her own finger against her lips to indicate for me to be quiet. "I'll explain, or better yet, Ell will explain it when we get there." she whispered as i nodded.

We made our way through the corridor and finally i began to recognize the corridor and where we were going, i followed silently, every now and then glancing behind us to make sure we weren't being followed.

Apparently this was big, very big, Nicole went over most of it, without going into complete detail. All i knew was that we were meeting with Draco, Blasie and Elena and that i couldn't tell Ron what we were going to be talking about it.

Once we reached a crossing between two corridors, we watched as a door appeared on the wall and Elena's head popped up and made an owling noise.

Nicole nodded at me and beckoned me to go first, and i did as i was...motioned...and entered the Room Of Requirement and saw that Draco and Blasie was already there, and the room was, basically a living room with a table in the middle with five chairs.

"What the - ?" I started, but Elena slung Nicole into me before slamming the door shut and i watched as the door dissolved back into the wall. "What is going on?"

Draco went to open his mouth to speak, but Elena and Nicole shook their heads as they waved their wands around the room, and i shrugged, taking a seat as they finished and nodded at Draco.

Whom told me everything and when i opened my mouth to protest, of why i was being informed if i wasn't trustworthy, Nicole answered this unspoken question.

"...because Amy, we don't have time to master anything, we just need to be quick and hope for the best." Nicole smirked, sitting between myself and Blasie as Elean took the open the seat between myself and Draco.

"How long do we actually have?" I questioned, worriedly looking around to their pale faces.

"Less that 48 hours now." nodded Nicole.

I just got out of the Wing last night, and tonight i'm being informed that our world is about to be in war? This is just lovely.

Nicole and Elena covered their ears as Draco and Blasie exchanged odd looks as i let out a blood cluring scream and began to mutter to myself as i flung my chair to the ground and began to pace back and forth, beginning to mutter things like;

"How are we going to survive? Who all will come through that cupboard? Why does Draco have to kill Dumbledore? What the hell will i do? I'm not good at dueling, not even in the club?"

"Amy!" called Elena, but her voice disappeared into my thoughts as i continued.

"What if Nicole gets killed? What if Elena gets killed?"

"Amy!" gasped Nicole, but still not knocking me out of this panic attack.

"What if - ?"

"Amy!?" gasped the four in unison, as i finally stopped and lifted my chair off the floor and sat back down and began to play with my fingers.

"So, wh - why are we here?" I asked, feeling my heart begin to throb and my nerves began to shake furiously.

"El has a plan." Nicole said, patting my back as Elena began to explain her plan.

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