Chapter 47

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"Nicole -!" called Blasie as I stomped my way through the corridor. He had been following me since we left our little meeting.

I ignored his calls as I slide through the entrance hall and out onto the grounds and began to make my way to the lake.

"Nicole -!" He called out again, that's when anger flash over me. He was still following me and he was the last person I wanted to see or speak to. I ignored him again as I finally reached the shoreline.

"Nicole, will you just stop?" He finally sighed and gasped for air, as he finally caught up to me, and bent over to get some air.

"What!?" I shouted, as I realized we were sneaking around and we both had to be silent. "What do you want from me?"

"For now to talk," He said, rising to meet my eyes. "I need to explain what happened in that waiting room , everything you heard -"

" - was a lie," I nodded, realizing who I was talking to and how he may not know about his cousin. "I figured it, anyway."

"Yeah, its a pretty far fetched theory, wasn't it?" He grinned and I felt my heart flinch at this, I was so pissed at him, but his gorgeous grin still got to me. "I wanted you to know, that the reason I didn't tell you all of -"

"- because it was a lie." I repeated, nodding with the actual realization hitting me.

"If you know, then why are you still mad at me?" He questioned raising an eyebrow. "Better question, what are you playing at?"

"Me?" I gasped, but before I could get a word in, he spoke again.

"Yes, its like you'll take whatever excuse you find, even the slightest thing and use it to push people away, why is that?" Blasie blurted, making my eyes widen.

It was as of he was putting the kettle on and it was beginning to whistle. He kept turning up the heat, waiting for an explosion.

"Blasie I don't want to talk about -"

"- BULLSHIT! You do want to talk about it, you just feel like you have no one to tell." He spat, making me flinch at his rage.

"Blasie," I said, more gentle feeling my emotions boiling their way to the surface.

"Another thing, I understand your father was murdered, yeah it really sucks, but you have to take that and accept it and move forward! You can keep living in the past, sweetheart!" He shouted, backing me up against the tree.

I blinked up at him, only to realize I was blinking back tears.

The mention of my father's death, just began to break my heart, but I found a part of me that was actually agreeing with this guy.

"Oh, yeah and as far as we go, you shove me away, only to protect yourself," He said, point a finger in my face. "the only reason you are continuing to be pissed at me, is because you don't want me getting too close, and you're scared I'm going to point out your flaws and break you, is that it?" He questioned, looking from one of my eyes to the other.

He was so close, I could feel his body heat and those lovely brown were dancing into my blue ones.

I opened my mouth to speak, when my gaze dropped as he spoke up again.

"Well, I have news for you sweetheart!" He said, more gently and in a lower tkne as he began to lift my chin up,so that my eyes were meeting his, so our lips weren't even inches away by this point. "I'm not going to let you shove me away, I'm in your future, not your past, and I would never point out your flaws and hurt you." I rose an eyebrow as he shrugged and added. "Minus now."

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