Chapter 54

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"  with that old man out of the way, we can proceed with our plan." smirked a voice that had evil laced within the very vocals.

"What about the Potters?" came my cousin's voice, which made me look directly at Nicole, whose eyes was already on me.

"We need them both out of the way and the only way to do it is -" Voldemort was cut off by another explosion somewhere within the building and he began cursing at whoever was behind the overgrown interruption.

"What are they doing?" came Pansy's voice, as my eyes slide from Nicole back to our friends within the devil's sights.

"Its Lest range and Zambini, they were fighting over who would get to torture Black - Potter - whoever she is." smirked Voldemort. "Anyway, now that we have Potter's sister, he is bound to come looking for her, once he's learned the truth."

"What do what us to do?" questioned Draco, and just the sound of his voice made my heart drop.

Did he and Blasie really snitch and make the attack earlier?

That was something Nicole and I both needed to get to the bottom of, but now wasn't the time and it definitely wasn't the place

"My Lord!" came a dark figure from the door we had entered moments before. "They've escaped."

"They've WHAT!?" Screamed Voldemort, waving the four teenagers away as he stomped away ans to follow the deatheater back to the dungeons.

"Finally!" I gasped, shoving the door open and having Nicole follow in tow.

"You're alive!?" gasped Blasie, moving through Pansy, Amy and Draco, flinging his arms around me, then attempted to do the same to Nicole, who drew her wand.

A look of confusion spread across Blasie's face as Draco slide his way over to me and I just stepped away from him to Nicole's side.

"What is it with you two?" asked Draco as I noticed Amy was boiling to a panic attack.

I knew she was bout to rush us out, saying the longer we took here the longer and harder it was for us to escape.

"Did you tell them to attack a night earlier?" Nicole questioned, looking directly into Blasie's eyes and I could tell she was fighting back some words and maybe some tears.

"What? No!" Blasie's voice squealed in shock, making Pansy giggle slightly.

"What about you Drake?" came the question out of my mouth before I had a chance to catch myself.

"Who the hell told you -" He paused, and looked over at Pansy, who I now noticed was backing her way out of the room. " - Why did you call it a night early?"

"I didn't do it!" spat Pansy, slamming the door that Voldemort had exited out of, shut. "Snape?"

"Who knows?" sighed Blasie, who was now looking between myself and Nicole. "All that matters is that you two are still alive -"

"- For now, we need to get them out of here." said Amy, finally speaking.

"Yeah, before they figure out who freed them." Nodded Draco, grabbing my wrist and Blasie grabbing Nicole's and Pansy and Amy lead the way out.

We didn't get very far at all, we reached the entry way, but before we could make it to the door, it was lined with six deatheaters.

"Holy Shit!" screamed Pansy, as all of us drew our wands. "You guys go, I'll take care of them!"

"Me too!" gasped Amy, taking her place beside her cousin.

"No!" I shouted, snatching my wrist out of Draco's pulling grip.

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