Chapter 29

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I rose out of the car and Fred stayed attached to my hip the entire time, that is until we reached the square of the little town.

"Alright, we have to head out, we'll be back in hour or two..." grinned Elena, as she pulled me into a hug and nodded at Fred and shot me some daggers. I didn't know what was up with her, apparently she really did have trust issues.

"...the most three." nodded Amy, pulling me into a hug as well and then hugging Fred and the two disappeared into the crowd.

"So, what was it you needed, Quiddich stuff?" asked Fred, as I nodded and he lead the way to this store, full of nothing, but Quiddich stuff. "Here we are, take your pick."

"Whoa! This place has everything!" I smiled, looking from the floor to the ceiling and there were brooms, pads, little rings in order to set up your own Quiddich Pitch in your backyard. "That's awesome!"

"So how long have you played?" asked Fred, looking at some gloves and began to try on a pair.

I hesitated, in actuality, I played Quiddich sense I was old enough to learn how to ride a broom, but that was part of the Order's training deal. I realized I had been silent for a little too long, that's when I smiled, and sighed.

"As long as I remember," and I mentally nodded and patted me on the back for that. "I use to play with my dad." I felt my heart tug at that lie.

I had lied before, I was trained to do that, but not once I had lied about my parents. When my parents were murdered I was too young to remember, so it was a complete lie. Even that in itself was a lie, I was told for years that both of my parents were dead, but I met my father in my third year of Hogwarts, I didn't even get to know him before he was killed.

"Really, who was he?" asked Fred, looking over at me and I guess he could tell by my eyes that I didn't want to talk about it, but he put two and two together and spoke, "Wait, Black, it wasn't Sirius, was it?"

"As a matter of fact." I said, lowering my voice.

"I'm so sorry." He gasped, puling me into a hug, but I automatically slide out of his arms and ran over to a Gryffindor jacket, and realized there was another one sitting beside of it. "What is it?" He asked, racing behind me.

"Look," I said, pointing and gazing at from one to the other. They didn't have numbers, but they had two last names, that made me almost break down right there.



"These belonged to James and Sirius." pointed out Fred, as he looked around and I just starred at my father's name. For the first time, sense third year, I felt the overwhelming feeling of grief. I didn't even attend his funeral, and all that flashed through my head was one face;

Bellatrix Lestrange.

"That Bitch." I muttered, and turned and walked away from the jackets, and found Fred had disappeared and was talking to someone over the counter, some girl. I rolled my eyes and looked up at the moving pictures, and saw a few was from Hogwarts in the earlier days.

My eyes attempted to look for my father or Harry's father, and I found them alright. Them two and Lupin, standing there for a picture and James was holding the Quiddich Cup and the three couldn't stop smiling.

I smiled at that, and I couldn't help, but almost tear up.

"Nicole, lets go grab some ice cream." He said, tugging at my arm and we left the store of memoires. "So," sighed Fred, as our ice cream came and sat mine in front of me and I was starring out of the window to the crowd outside. "how close were you to him?"

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