Chapter 33: Oh my God!

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"Ji..Jiyong?" I stuttered, not believing he was actually here in front of me. Am i dreaming again?

"Yes, Dara its me." He confirmed. I didn't think twice as i instantly hugged him and endless sob finally escaped me. And him, rubbing my back helps my fear subside slightly as i felt myself trembled uncontrollably. "Shhh..its ok Dara, i'm here." I stiffened when i heard him say those words. Those were the exact same phrases the boy in my dream uttered. But even if i shook my head hard to wake myself, it didn't work. I can't believe one of my greatest fears is actually happening right now.

"I'm scared..." I whispered to his ear. My arms were still laced around his neck, feeling anxious of letting go.

"Don't be. Everything will be alright." And he again, rubbed my back reassuring nothing bad is going to happen. "We just need to call for help." He said trying to loosen my grip on him but i tighten my hold more thinking he will leave me.

"No, don't leave, please..." I begged.

"Its ok, trust me." He finally convinced me just by mere staring at me.

He carefully stood up, trying to gauge if its safe to move around. The elevator produced a scraping sound that made Jiyong halt from moving. His gaze was instantly focused on the emergency buttons of the elevator. Slowly, he made his way towards the alarm buttons and immediately pushed it with equal pressure. Pressing the intercom, he leaned forward to call for help, "Is somebody there? We're trapped inside the elevator!" He yelled looking pissed and nervous at the same time. "Helloo!!" He continued but no one answered back.

I remembered using my phone, but unfortunately, the signal can't reach where we were. I started panicking again thinking what could possibly happen to us. We're stuck here and no one seems to hear us. "Jiyong, what are we going to do?" I asked wiping my tears away.

I heard him sighed deeply, thinking of another way to get out. "I think we're stuck here for a while. No one's answering the intercom." he said sitting back beside me as he propped her knees up and rest his arms on top of them.

"Didn't you see anyone on your way up here?" I asked hoping he did.

"Yeah, i saw a guard. Unfortunately, he's busy exploring the dreamland, tsk!" He muttered cursing under his breath. I know that guard too and he's right, he always sleeps during his shift. I don't know why they still keep him.

I sighed too but thankful i'm not alone. I don't know what i will do if i was. "Are you ok now?" I heard him say, looking intently at me.

"A little, still scared but i'm fine." I answered him back. I don't know why i can't say thanks because he's here with me. Wait, why is he with me anyway? Curious, i asked "What are you doing here? I mean, in our building?"

I saw him stiffened when i asked him and began scratching the back of his head like a boy caught doing something bad. "Uhh,I was...I uh..."

"Its ok if you don't want to answer." I cut him off, sparing him from thinking what to say. "I...uhm... I'm just glad your here." There, i said it.

"You are? I mean yeah, no problem." He said as he stared at the ceiling. There was a moment of silence until i heard him broke it "Uhmm,Dara.."

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