Chapter 55: History repeats itself

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" that really you?" The man said looking at me. Jaejoong stood up and walked towards him.

"Do you recognize him Dara? Look at him." He drifted his gaze from me to him. A smirk formed across his face when he noticed my confused stare. "Does Dr. Jang ring a bell?"

Dr. Jang? Why does it sound so familiar. Why does he look familiar? My head starts to hurt as i felt dizzy. I lowered my head to ease the pain but it only made it worst. Cold sweat started to form in my forehead as i stared back at the man in front of me again.

"Why don't you tell her who you are Dr. Jang? It seems that she forgot all about you. After all, its been years since you two saw each other." He walked around, eyeing him from head to toe that it made the man agitated. "Or is that really the reason why she can't remember you?"

"Jaejoong, what is the meaning of this? I thought you..." the man named Dr. Jang was cut off when Jae suddenly raised his hand to stop him.

"I told you didn't i? As promised, i'l give you what you want now its your turn to give me what i want. You should be thanking me." Jae proudly said as he crossed his arms above his chest.

"But why did you hold her captive here like a prisoner!" He shouted at Jae as he struggled to free himself from Jae's men.

"Don't you like it? At least you'll get to have a little family reunion. Don't you miss your daughter?"

My heart pounded really hard when i heard him say that. Daughter? Is he really my lost father? I looked at him and more tears left my eyes as visions in my dreams came into surface. He shifted his gaze from Jae to me and i saw how his face softened. Tears escaped his eyes as well and looked at me longingly.

"See? Isn't she amazing? I'l leave you two alone for some chitchats but when i come back, i expect you to do as you promised. You don't want me angry Dr. Jang." Jae's face became serious as he signaled his men to let him go. All of them stride towards the door leaving only the two of us inside the room.

He immediately came and kneeled in front of me to release me but to no avail. The ropes are too tight and even if he successfully untied the ropes, the chain that is holding my ankle will be the next problem.

"Aira... i'm sorry for dragging you into this." He said as his tears fell from his eyes.

"Is that my real name?" I asked as i finally found my voice.

"Y-yes. Why? Did they change your name?" He asked. I nodded as a response and he did the same. "What do they named you then?"

"Sandara Park...but they usually call me Dara." I answered as i met his eyes. "How about you?" Its my turn to ask. He suddenly averted his gaze looking a bit hesitant before looking back at me.

"Jang Jihoon... but you can call me.."

"Appa." I didn't let him finish his introduction as i suddenly blurted out the word i've been longing to say. My emotions got the bests of me and i can't contain my tears anymore. He hugged me tight and i would have done the same if not for the ropes that's keeping me in doing so. I heard him sob near my ear and that made me cry even louder. "Can i call you that?"

He pulled away from the hug to looked at me.  "Of course dear. Its how you call me back then after all. I..i i'm sorry for keeping you away from me. Forgive your appa.." he pleaded as he wiped my tears using his thumb. I felt my heart constrict as i saw him cried nonstop in front of me. I know this isn't the right time to ask but given our current situation, i don't know when i'l be able to asked him this again.

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