Her Bark Is Worse than Her Bite (Jon X Large Dog! Reader)

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(D/B) = Dog Breed

(Y/N)'s POV

  It was cold outside, rain pattered against the pavement, leaving me sitting there, alone. I was a full grown (D/B), my (Fur/C) fur damp against my back. I sat there as people passed by, discarding my presence like used tissue. Until, a man in a blue button-up shirt stopped, and looked at me. He was adorable, and smaller than normal male humans his age. He walked towards me, and began petting me.

  "What's such a beautiful dog doing out here, all alone?" he asked. I barked softly, and he noticed I had no collar. He gasped, and pet my head. I grin, and rub against his hand, my tail wagging.

  "Jon, what's taking so long?" a deeper voice called from around the corner. Suddenly, two men appeared. A man with brown hair and deep chocolate eyes stood there, glaring at Jon, with a green button-up shirt, and tan Capri pants. He had a small mustache on his upper lip, and he was taller than the nice man petting me. The other was taller than both of them, and he had blonde hair brushed back. He wore a purple sweater, and had piercing green eyes.

  "Oh, Eduardo, I found this dog! I think she's homeless," the smaller man answered. The man, which I quickly learned was named 'Eduardo', walked over an hit the smaller man on the back of the head.

  "Jon, we can't take in strays. Plus, she's a girl. I prefer male dogs, 'cause they are stronger," he hissed. I couldn't take it anymore. Why was this man, which I could tell the man named 'Jon' cares about, hurting Jon and insulting me? I jump in-between Jon and Eduardo, growling lowly. Eduardo jumps back in surprise as I inch closer and closer, anger flaring in my eyes. I watched happily as Eduardo stepped backwards and tripped on his own feet. I stood over him, growling menacingly. Jon looks at me, and sees my tail wagging slightly, and catches the hint.

  "Well, Eduardo, I think she's pretty tough, don't you? I mean, she did just scare you," his voice hissed teasingly. My tail wagged faster, because I could tell the smaller man wished for so long he could say something back about his suffering.

  "I think Jon's right, Eduardo. Plus, he does need a friend," the taller blonde man continued. I smiled, baring my sharp fangs. I stepped off Eduardo, and sat by his feet. He stared at me, as I stared adorably at him. Eduardo started saying that I was too soft, until I instantly turned, and growled. Eduardo flinched, and quickly agreed to let Jon take me off the streets.

- 1 Week Later -

  I grew at home with the three men, and I was happy. I also found out a woman named Amelia lived with them. When she saw they got a dog. She gave me tons of attention. I liked her, especially since she snuck me bacon at breakfast. It seemed she was the only one who never ate bacon.

  I also noticed how there were these other three men living next to us. The one that looked similar to Eduardo, named Edd, was really nice, and liked to pet me behind my ears. Tom, the counterpart of Jon, would just lazily rub my back, but I was fine with that. The other one, Matt, was like a child let loose in a pool of puppies. He loved to play with me, and always had a toy with him for me to play with.

  I knew I would like it here, and I did. I also knew that I had strong feelings for my owner, Jon. I never knew this feeling, but, I did know, that I liked that feeling.

(A/N: That was short, but I liked it. Also, my favorite dog breed is German Shepherds. What's yours?)

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