My Kind Of Night (Sheriff Thompson X Abused! Reader)

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(This is how I imagine Sheriff Thompson. I want to pet his hair.)

Thompson's POV

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Thompson's POV

  Clouds of dust layered my boots as I made my way to the Good Place to Start saloon. As I wander in, I ask Todd for a whiskey. I sit at the counter, waiting for the bar keep to get my drink. That's when a woman walked in. Not a normal woman with a fluffy dress. No, this woman wore a (f/c) shirt with a (s/f/c) no-sleeve jacket. She wore a black bandanna around her neck, slightly covering her face.

  I stare at her as she walked in, brown leather boots clicking against the wood floor. Her faded blue jeans were patched and ripped. I smiled lightly to myself as I watched her sit a seat away from me. This woman is attractive. And based on her clothing, a hard-worker, too. I looked over at her as my whiskey was winded down the counter. I easily caught it by the palm and started to take a swig from the bottle.

  As I wipe the drops from my mouth, I saw the woman stare in awe. Her face was dusted with pink, making her look more adorable. I smirked, and watched her with soft eyes. She must've noticed, since she froze like a deer before a hunter. Time to load my gun, then, I joked in my mind.

(Y/N)'s POV

  I watched as the mysterious man smiled at me, his dark blue eye twinkling bright. Instead of the predatory grin I usually see, he gave me a friendly smile. I smiled back, letting out several shades of pink in its wake to resort on my cheeks. He must've saw my blush, because then he started to chuckle.

  "You're cute," he started off bluntly. I was taking aback by how bold this stranger was.

  "Well, thank you kindly," I replied, quietly. He got up from his seat and sat directly next to me. He didn't put his arm around me, like all the other single-minded men in the world. No, he just smiled at me, like a kind gentleman who considered how I felt.

  "I bet a pretty thing like you gets a lot of trash from men out there," he snorts. I nod, rubbing my arm awkwardly. "Well, you ain't getting any of that outta me. If a woman really wanted that bull crap, they could go to some other fella."

Thompson's POV

  I felt happier seeing her smile genuinely. We started talking, finding out we had much in common. The only thing that apparently I didn't tell her was that I was the sheriff. Though, that didn't worry me. She was funny, smart, and quite friendly. She opened up kind of slowly, though. She acted like a cat just waltzed into a dog kennel.

  Sooner or later, I would find out why. I wanted to protect her.

(Y/N)'s POV

  The man, who was named Thompson, was very kind and smart. He was clearly obsessed with his alcohol, considering he ordered in consistently. He only really started getting drunk after dark. Which was surprising how long he held up. As soon as he got groggy and more than just buzzed, he got up.

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