//24 hours\\

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{a/n: this chapter is long as fuckkk.. but i worked hard so please enjoy the final chapter!}

Your POV
you woke up feeling excited about your day ahead with jimin.

you turned around to open the window and let the sun in but what you saw warmed you more than the sun ever could.

jin and namjoon were cuddled up on the small couch together, everything you wanted for them.

"looks like my services weren't needed.", you said to yourself remembering when you told jin that you'd help him get with namjoon.

you turned away, not wanting to wake them up by opened the window, and got mini out of her carrier.

you fed her and got her ready for her day since she would probably be spending it with the boys.

"there we go. now let's go wake up these two.", you said in a baby voice and walked over to a sleeping namjoon and jin.

"ok mini, attack!", you set minyoung on top of the two sleepyheads and let her wake them up.

she laid on jin's torso and without any hesitation, slapped him right in the face.

she turned to you with the biggest smile you've ever seen and let out a giggle.

"again.", you laughed and she continued until he finally stirred.

"i don't think you should be promoting violence to your 3 month old.", he said half asleep.

"if you would've woken up the first time then she wouldn't be doing this.", you defended.

"whatever.", he sighed and sat up.

"will you watch her while i get ready? i need to talk to the doctor in a few minutes.", you asked jin.

"yeah go.", he shooed you off.

you rushed into the bathroom and threw on some ripped skinny jeans, an odd future shirt, and your high top vans.

you straightened your hair, choosing to leave it down for the day, and you applied some light makeup.

"jin i'll be back!", you said leaving the room not waiting for his reply.

you were rushing since you were already a little late to meet doctor nam.

you speed walked to his office door and knocked a few times before entering.

"ah (y/n), have seat.", he gestured.

"morning.", you said as you sat down.

"so what do you need? any complications? pain?", he started.

"no, nothing at all really. i've been great!", you smiled.

"that's good. well i'm planning on releasing you early tomorrow morning if all goes well with your post-coma tests.", he said.

"really? that's great!", you smiled ready to leave.

"and jimin also asked me yesterday about you leaving for the day.", he smiled.

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