Other Reapers

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What do we think about other reapers? LunitiCat

Undertaker: Hehe~ honey, it's the same person again~

Grell: *quickly walk to Undertaker* Well~ Good to know this Curious little Beasty is back~

Undertaker: Hmm, I never like other reapers...

Grell: Is because you never really intended to play nice with them. Well, for starters, William T.Spears a.k.a my uptight boss is just not quite a dating material.

Undertaker: You always think about boys.

Grell: That is in the past. I have you now~

Undertaker: Well, Alan and Eric were nice fellas. It's sad to see them go.

Grell: yeah, I do like having them around.

Undertaker: As for Ronald Knox. Let's just say, he's more of a party type of reaper than a worker.

Grell: Lay off my Ronald. He's my co-worker.

Undertaker: Oh, I forgot that you're his senpai. No wonder he slack off everyday. He's behaviour came from you. The fruit does falls closer to the tree

Grell: W-what? He's not my child!

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