April Fools!!

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Undertaker try to control himself but can't instead he dropped to the ground and laugh manically.

Grell: *smirks* hehehe~ I see some of you have fallen the biggest old trick from a book!

Undertaker: *wipe his tears* it's the oldest trick from an old book, my darling. The 'goodbye and never return' trick.

Grell: are you sure you didn't made that up?*raise a brow*

Undertaker: *giggles* no~ and I can see someone bursting out that we are an inspiration to him~

Grell: Aw~ Ronnie loves us~ We should hug him to dead~!

Undertaker: Agreed! Anyway~ you guys are all fooled by us! You should check the calendar next time. *grin*

Grell: in other news~ we are definitely staying. But we are sometimes too busy to even check our phones. Undertaker here have all the long nails of his, so smartphone is a big no no for him.

Undertaker: The invention prevents me from having fun too!

Grell: You should go back cleaning your hearts and other organs lying around on the floor.

Undertaker: oops...I will just have to clean those later~  We are staying! Are you happy? So stop moping and cheer up! We are here to stay!

Grell: I just told them that...they already knew~

Undertaker: No you didn't...*snickers*

Grell: yes I did!

Undertaker: No you didn't~

Grell: Yes!

Undertaker: No!

Grell: Yes!

Undertaker: Yes~

Grell: No I didn't~ Wait-...what you tricked me!! *keep hitting Undertaker's chest*

Undertaker: Anyway~ do ask us questions if you want to know something~ or anything that relates to animals, pets or just life...Anything at all~~ so tata ~

Grell: I hate you!*pouts*

Undertaker: I love you too~~

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