Lets just adopt Ronald.

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Grell: The title says it all! Ronald Knox! I wanna adopt you!

Undertaker:....(///w\\\) I don't mind.

Grell: Before we go to that... Here are some questions by Ronald. Undertaker, what really went on between with you and Vincent Phantomhive?

Undertaker: oh my. Ronald...are you trying to play fire with fire? Your question is the fire, and Grell is also the fire. Get it?

Grell:...Your jokes are hilarious,darling. Come on, tell him the truth~

Undertaker: Pfft...he's just my business partner. Let's just say the formal Earl have a certain agreement with the underworld.

Grell: And...

Undertaker: my best friend~

Grell: and....

Undertaker: I was never into him! I was in love with Ciel's grandmother when I was still a young reaper...

Grell: See...wasn't that hard was it?

Undertaker: ...that is for another story~ teehehehe~ now on with another question!

Grell: what is our favorite food?

Undertaker: It's so obvious really. The bone shaped cookies~!

Grell:...Back then, I thought it was dog biscuits.

Undertaker: And now you know~

Grell: my favorite food huh? The time when Ronald took me to Paris for ice cream! The ice cream there was absolutely delicious~! It was unforgettable!

Undertaker: Paris huh?

Grell:...well yeah. Are you jealous?

Undertaker: why would I be? Ronald is your son~

Grell: oh right! Ronald~~ I want to adopt you!

Undertaker: She already got the papers ready.

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