Blind Date

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Chapter 90th special!

Blind date

It was just like any other normal day when Rip woke up, opening the coffin lid from the inside and step out carefully.

"Morning." Ronald greeted as he walked past her bedroom.

Rip nodded in response, and went out from her bedroom following Ronald to the dining hall.

"Good morning kids." Grell greeted as she saw them walking down the stairs.

Ronald yawned.

Rip took a seat, grabbing a blood bag from her plate and begin sucking the blood with a bendy straw.

"You're awfully quite,Rippie...what's wrong?" Undertaker asked as he sat down next to Grell.

Rip shrugged. "I'm just having the mood that's all."

"Do even vampires have the time of the month?" Ronald asked but got hit on the head by Grell.

"No...We don't have those." Rip rolled her eyes at him.

" this about the William thing?" Grell asked.

"No...I'm not even into him to begin with." Rip finishes her bag of blood and place the empty bag back to the plate. "Well, I'm finished. If anyone needs me...I will be in my room." She said excusing herself and back to her room.

Ronald look confused, so does Grell and Undertaker.

"You! talk." Grell pointed her fork accusingly at Ronald.

Ronald raised a brow. "Well, it's not my fault this time. Since after she dumped both me...kinda and William. She wanted to meet new people so she go to some dating site...and you know, a blind date will happen...tonight..."

Grell widened her eyes in horror. "Ronnie! You know very well. Dating sites are a very dangerous place!!!"

As Grell and Ronald started on their daily bickering, Rip was in her room looking for something to wear tonight. She sighed but then smile. "You can do it Rip Van Winkle."


The place where her and her blind date agreed to meet is the local church near London. Rip decided to go in her normal attire since she promised herself not to be someone else she's not.

She waited. And waited.

Then there's this figure gotten closer and closer to her.

Her jaw dropped when she saw the person she was about to meet was...

Father Alexander Anderson.

Alexander didn't know what to say or do but he just waved.

"I can't believe we meet again,father." Rip smiled.

"Aye, I can't believe it either." Alexander agreed.

Ah Scottish accent. Rip thought. Does bring back memories. The bad memories.

"So...are you going to throw holy water at me?" Rip asked as she took a step backwards. "Or stab me too?"

"No. no . No." Alexander shook his head. "I'm different now..."

Rip sighed looking over to her shoulders. "I guess, I don't want to get hurt again."

"Ah...the Alucard situation."

"I need a friendly hug." Before Alexander could reply, Rip walked up to him wrapping her slender arms around him. To her surprise, he is much bigger than her.

He did not push her away. A smile tucked at the corner of his lips and he hugged back, patting her soft hair. "And I'm here just for that~ I love hugs."

Then a sniff could be heard. Rip burying her face into his shoulder crying silently.

Alexander blinked. "What's wrong, my dear? Why are you crying...?" He may be a priest but does not know how to deal with a crying vampire.

" I'm haunted by my past. Im not sure w-what to do...I just need a friend who would stay by my side...not a hero...not a boyfriend... just a friend." Rip's grip tighten around the priest.

"...Awe...Rip, it's okay. I will be your friend." Alexander whispered.

Rip pulled back the hug looking into Alexander'a eyes. "Really?"

"Aye." Alexander nodded patting her soft black hair gently.


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"A vampire and a priest?!" Ronald tried holding his laughter. "That's absurd!! He will definitely kill her!"

"I'm home." Rip announced as she walked into the living room.

"How was the blind date...?" Undertaker asked.

Rip smiled. "We met once in the war. Now he's my friend." She said taking a seat on the couch.

"How old is he...?"

"Oh, as old as you Undertaker." Rip continue to smile as she took the remote to switch the channel to watch her favorite show.

"Ohh!! Wheel of fortune is on!!" Ronald cheered sitting beside Rip.

Rip rolled her eyes playfully. "Bet you £5 that this guy in a yellow shirt with take home all the money."

"You're on!" Ronald said giving Rip a high five.

Undertaker and Grell exchanged looks then smile.

Everything went back to normal.

Well kinda.

Ronald: Why are you stealing the spotlight?!

Rip: No I did not!!

Ronald: You're lucky he didn't throw holy water at you.

Rip: shut it!!

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