Humans Finding out.

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What if the customers found out that We are Reapers? LunitiCat

Grell: *pull out chainsaw* I hate you Ronald!

Undertaker: No...No...No we can't do this here. We have fans watching us. And the fella right here isn't Ronald~ He/she is the Curious little Beastie we love so much~

Grell: oh~! *put down scythe* Hello there~Sorry,I almost cut you into pieces.

Undertaker: Well for starters...We are not that William guy who would announce to the victim that he is a reaper before collecting the victim's soul.

Grell: *pretend to be William* Hello, I'm William T.Spears. I am a Reaper. My duty is to reap your soul.

Undertaker: pfft...hahahaha!!*laughs manically until he drops to the ground*

Grell: And secondly~ Customers will indeed run away because of Undertaker's creepy entrance.

For example,

Undertaker: *walk out from the coffin that is leaning on the wall* Hello and wel-

Customers: Ahhhhh!!!!*run away in fear*

Undertaker: Pfft... Hahahaha!!*continue laughing*

Grell:But if they do find out~ Undertaker will take care of it~!

Undertaker: By knocking them out and throw them into the sea~! Pfft...hehehe.

Grell: He may be old and creepy~ but he's just devilish like a true Reaper should be. Ronald~ do take note~ *wink*

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