Family late night Activities gone horribly wrong

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Family activities SugakookiesBTS

Rip: Yo~! *wave* Welcome back to our channel- Ronald & Rip!

Ronald: Sup, my loyal subjects.* carrying the camera* We are currently hiding from William

Rip: We are now on the beach! *under her yellow parasol wearing a bikini*

Ronald: I can't even look at you today... *wearing a plain t-shirt that says 'I'm the king and Hawaiian trunks*

Rip: Why?

Ronald: Seriously! Go change! I don't want other males be looking at my sister! HEY YOU STOP LOOKING AT MY SISTER!

Rip: But...isn't this what I'm suppose to wear on the beach...?

Ronald: But it shows too much of your skin! *throws a towel at Rip* Cover yourself! Before William Senpai kill me.

Ah yes, we are still hung up on 'William dating Rip' subject.

Grell: I never agreed of William dating my daughter!

Undertaker: Jeez calm down. It can't be that bad, can it?

Rip: *sighs as she wrap herself in the towel* How long do I have to hide from William...?

Ronald:Not sure...But hey, at least you get to spend some quality time with us!

Rip: I love you...

Ronald: W-what? *blushing*

Rip: Heh, you should take a look at your face. It's all red. Relax, I'm just practicing my lines... if I ever need to use it on William.

Ronald: You know, this prank is getting too far. I never knew William Senpai can be this possessive.

Rip: Now we know...*sighs*

Ronald: We should maybe just pour mud at William then white feathers after. He will become a chicken! He would think he embarrassed himself in front of his girlfriend! Ha! I can imagine it right now!

Rip: You will get over time. Or worst, you will get demoted ...

Ronald: don't worry about me. I'm used to it.

Rip: Yeah right.

Ronald: Ah right, so the family activities. *to the camera*

Flashback... to that one night

Rip: I'm gonna beat your a**!!

Ronald: Rude! But I'm gonna be the one beating you!

Yes, both are playing video games.

Grell: *comes up* can you two tone down the noises? You're gonna wake the neighbors.

Undertaker: or worst You're gonna wake the dead up.


Rip: Oh poo...

Grell: Alright you crazy kids. You want to play some board games?

Rip: Ohh~~ what kind?!

Undertaker: *holds out a blank piece of paper and two pencil*

Ronald: No! We are not playing THAT!!

Grell: Or we can play this instead *holds up an ouija board*

Rip:....Nein! Nein! This can practically kill us!

Ronald: Why do you have such dangerous games?!

Undertaker: Or we can play the elevator game.

Rip & Ronald: Not a chance!!!

Undertaker: We will play the Charlie Charlie game instead. *already sat down and wrote two 'yes' and two 'no' on the paper*

Rip: What's this game about anyway?

Ronald: It's almost as dangerous as the ouija board.

Grell: Everything is in place. Alright~

Everyone: Charlie Charlie are you here?

The pencil didn't move.

Ronald: Charlie's probably asleep.

Grell: Again.

Everyone: Charlie Charlie are you here?

The pencil moved to the yes.

Ronald: Gahhh!!! Evil I tell ya! Evil!

Grell: Alright~ so who want to be first to ask questions?

Rip: Charlie Charlie Do I get to marry someone in the future?

The pencil turns to a 'no' then a 'yes'

Ronald: So it's possible for Rip to get marry in the future and a possibility that Rip will die in the future...?

Rip: Ronnie!!

Grell: Alright~ My turn. Charlie Charlie, do you know that Undertaker is the most dashing the most hottest reaper of the whole association?

The pencil remained on a 'yes'

Ronald: Seriously? What kind of question was that?!

Undertaker: Teehehehe. Charlie Charlie, Will Ronnie stop act like a 10 year old kid?

The pencil pointed at a 'No' .

Ronald: Seriously ? Charlie Charlie, will Rip get out of my life?

The pencil remained on a 'No'

Rip: Hey!

Ronald: Charlie Charlie, Will she get to marry William?

The pencil started to turned, then it dropped to the carpet floor.

Rip: Uh-oh... You made Charlie mad!!

Ronald: I did not!!

Grell: Quick everyone! Send him home!

Undertaker picked up the pencil and placed it back.

Everyone: Charlie Charlie please go home.

The pen didn't move.

Everyone kinda panicked.

Ronald: Gahh!! Again! Again!!

Everyone: Charlie Charlie please go home.

Finally the pencil pointed to a 'yes'

Ronald was the first to run back into his room shutting the door.

Flashback over.

Ronald: That's tragedy I tell ya. Tragedy.

Rip: I think I saw William.

Ronald: That's some random guy with glasses. Wait- it is William!

The both of them got up and ready to run.

Ronald: Sorry my royal subjects but we got to run. Knox!

Rip: and Winkle!

Both: Out!!

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