Birthday Special

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Chapter 80 special~~

Idea suggested by Grell's admin!

Rip's first birthday party with the Reapers.

Characters: Undertaker, Ronald Knox, Grell Sutcliff , Alan slingby, Eric and William T.Spears.

Ronald slide down the staircase on his scythe. "Morning~ parents! Ohh~~ I smell cake."

Undertaker chuckles as he carry place the chocolate covered clothing cake onto the dining table. "This is for Rippy."

Ronald titled his head. "What? But why? Is her birthday today?"

Grell nodded. "She never celebrate birthday before~ so we are going to celebrate it with her for the first time."

"We?" Ronald raised a brow.

"We~!" Eric appeared behind of Ronald suddenly.

"Gahh!!" Which caused Ronald to lost his balance and fell to the ground. "Jeez! Stop scaring me like this!"

Eric smiled helping Ronald back on his feet. "You're just so gullible."

"I am not!"

Alan walked out from the kitchen wearing an apron with the words 'I'm a total babe' in front. "Oh, Ronald. You're up. "

"Oh? Alan is here too? What's this...are we going to have a party?" Ronald raised a brow asking.

"Not really...more like a small gathering." Grell explained.

"So where's that birthday girl?" Eric asked.

"Oh, she was accompanied to town by William." Alan answered as he decorate the living room with Undertaker.

"Oh-wait- what?! William?!?!" Ronald suddenly outburst. "She's gonna get kill!!" He said as he hurried out from the door with his scythe.

Eric turned to Grell not catching what's was that all about. Grell smiled. "It's a brother sister thing..."


"So...what are we doing here?" Rip asked as she looked around. Not a lot of humans at this hour.

"Honestly, I have no idea." William adjusted his glasses sighing.

"We can just find a coffee shop and sit down and have tea~" Rip suggested.

William blinked then nodded. "A good idea indeed. But I didn't bring enough money with me..."

Rip check her coat pocket and pulled out a £50. "Is this enough?"

"Oh. Wow. You're rich." That's all William could say.

"Oh. This is something for emergency only." Rip replied

They found a nice comfortable coffee shop and sat down a seat which is located near the garden.

"This is nice." Rip smiled, looking at the menu.

"Two white coffee please." William ordered to the waitress.

Rip smiled looking at William.

William raised a brow. "What?"

"Do you always have to be this formal? We're all dead you know. Afterlife isn't as exciting as we thought."

William stared at Rip for a while and cleared his throat adjusting his glasses. "Well...I chosen this part. So this is what I have to do..."

"Ah...Ronnie told me a lot about you all."

"My co-worker? He is an idiot..." William retorted. "Speaking of that idiot, there he is now." William said pointed his finger at the other direction.

Ronald came racing towards them on his scythe. "William Senpai! Don't kill Rip!"

Rip and William both made a face.



"Bloody Sam hills is Ronald doing ..."

Ronald panted. "She's m-my...sister....don't- don't...oh god! I'm out of shape..." He said collapsing onto the ground.

Rip rolled her eyes. "Idiot...stop being dramatic. William isn't going to kill me. We're just drinking tea."

Ronald signaled William something which returned with a nod. "Common, Rip. Let's go home. Grell and Undertaker is calling a family meeting right now." He grabbed Rip's hand pulling her up.


Ronald pulled Rip back to the funeral home.

"Ronnie! What's going on?!" Rip furrowed her brows. "Why so eager to go back?"

"You'll see." Ronald replied.

They both arrived in the shop, it was pitch black. Nothing can be seen even shadows. Rip cling onto Ronald tightly. "What's going on...."


"Happy birthday to you~" Undertaker sang as he come out holding the cake with lighted candles.

The place light up suddenly with Christmas lights just like in the wedding last time. Everyone joined in with Undertaker singing the happy birthday song.

Rip's tears fill around her dark blue orbs, which then the tears flowed down to her pale cheeks. Covering her mouth with both her gloved hands, can't contain how emotional she felt right now.

The singing ended, Rip made a wish and blowed out the candles.

"Cake~!" Ronald grabbed an empty plate waiting to eat the cake.

"Ronnie, let your sister have the first slice first.." Grell said helping Rip to cut the cake.

Instead of taking the first slice to herself, she handed it to Ronald. "Here~ you deserve this."

Ronald took it almost hesitated. "Is this poisoned ?"

"No silly. I can't eat this remember?" Rip chuckled rolling her eyes playfully at him.

"Well~Happy Birthday you dork." Ronald smiled and handed her a gift. "It's nothing much~ but hope you like it." He shrugged eating his cake.

"Thanks..." Rip smiled hugging the gift tightly but carefully not to break whatever it is inside.

No one really know when is Rip's birthday. It's a mystery. All they can do is celebrate it with her and not leave her alone...

Happy One month anniversary of Rip Van Winkle being in this book!!

What did Ronald gave Rip anyway? XD

Ask Undertaker & GrellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora