Curious Little Ronald.

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Undertaker: *chuckles* Okay so~ no one has ask us any question lately. But~we found something so interesting we are going to share it to the world! ..W-Whoa...*accidentally falls from the chair*

Grell: *came out from the kitchen* Honey~ I made you some cookies- Eh?! What happened?!* quickly went to Undertaker's side*

Undertaker: *smiles* I'm fine, it happens some times. I'm a dusty old man after all.

Grell: What? Who said that? Oh...Ronald did. *frowns*

Undertaker: Is that cookies?*look at the tray of cookies* Oh~ burned ones too. My favorite~ *take one and bite it*

Grell: S-sorry...I didn't know how to bake.

Undertaker: You don't know how to do everything....


Undertaker: except you succeeded in stealing my heart~ come here you~ *hugs Grell tightly*
(Take note that they are still on the floor)

Ronald: Oui! Senpai! Are you in here?! *barged in*

Grell:...Ekk...*immediately jump up* Ronald! *walk towards Ronald* I told you not to come in unannounced like that!

Ronald: Don't pull out you scythe...Please don't...not again...*back away from Grell*

Undertaker:Nice to see you too,Ronald.

Ronald: Hey~ dusty old-

Grell: Ronald!

Ronald: I mean...The Legendary Death God~~

Grell: ...*face-palm*

Ronald: oh~ has undertaker read the thing that I wrote?

Undertaker: Yes indeed~ it's fascinating.

Ronald: So are you planning on a wedding?

Grell: oh?...that's just...

Undertaker: Do we even need it? It is of course...a human ritual.

Ronald:...Yup~! But it would be grand and cool~ we can party all night! Pretty girls~

Grell: We don't have that kind of money!

Undertaker:...We'll think of something...soon~*arm wrap around Grell*

Grell: oh and Ronald? When are you going to find your someone?

A/N: Random junk XD


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