Embarrassing moments

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What's our embarrassing moments? By Blueberry

Grell: Oh my.

Undertaker: There's so many embarrassing moments in our lives~ do you want the private ones? Or just the normal ones?

Grell: Unnie! *gently slap his arm* Please don't. We agreed we can't tell the readers that.

Undertaker: Alright~ I will then reveal that one time~

That one time,

Undertaker was to accompany Grell to the Glasses department, because she accidentally broke them. The main problem is they have to face Lawrence Anderson. The one who make glasses for every Reapers.

"How did you say this happened again?" Lawrence Anderson asked with a dark look on his face.

"I- uh... I didn't," Grell mumbled.

Undertaker stepped forward and placed an arm around Grell's shoulders, "Come now, don't scare the little lady."

Lawrence sighs shaking his head. "And do you still have the design that you gave me last time?"

Grell nodded. "Yes, its back in my apartment. We need assistance."

Ronald immediately raised his hand. "Oh I'll help you, Grell Senpai!"

Their walk was a short one, and silent. Once they'd reached the door, Grell pulled a ring of keys from his pocket and handed them to Ronald, "It's the square one with the flower on it."

"Square, with the flow – Aha!" Ronald held up the key for Grell to inspect.

"Good," Ronald quickly unlocked the door, letting the three of them inside. Ronald looked around and was surprised to find that Grell had not decorated his home in 50 shades of red, though of course, many accessories of such a colour could be found. "Nice place Grell Senpai."

"Thanks Ronnie," Grell smiled. He took off his coat and hung it by the door. "The design should be in my office upstairs."

Ronald scratched the back of his head. "C-could you maybe...show me the way?

Grell chuckled. "Yes of course~"

To the private study they went, nearly tripping.

"You're kinda messy , huh?" Ronald commented as his emerald eyes trailing around the room.

"Oh, you're the one who talk! I mean, have you seen your office?" Grell raised a brow, crossing her arms over her chest defensively. "I left in a hurry to see my silver knight."

Ronald rolled his eyes. "Of course you did."

So the search begin~!

"Oh! I wish I have my glasses to see properly~" Grell complained while opening some drawers.

Ronald found a binder, he opened it, with a look of surprise. "You drew all these?!"

"Yes." Grell nodded proudly.

"So you designed your own glasses?!"

"Of course I did , you idiot!" Grell snapped. "I designed and made my scythe myself ! A pair of glasses can't be that hard~!"

"I'm glad I get to call you my Senpai!" Ronald smiled. "You're amazing!"

Grell flushed in embarrassment. "Oh stop it you~"

Eventually, Ronald found the design to Grell glasses.

Before leaving, Ronald turned to Grell raising a brow. "So how did you break your glasses?"

Grell spoke out. "The last time silver knight here helped me in and out of my clothes is what got us into this mess in the first place!"

Ronald snorted. "No way!" Then soon held his stomach laughing. "Oh god, you're being serious?!"

Grell flushed madly in embarrassment. "Shut up."

"Oh wow! You two sure had it rough with your moments! Instead of breaking the bed, you broke your glasses!"

"It was his fault!" Grell said pointing accusingly at Undertaker.

"I'm sure it was." Ronald agreed. "But it sure is funny as hell. Your glasses can survive your face being smashed into god-knows-what all the time, but not a little midnight activity?"

"Shut up..." Grell gave Ronald a warning glare.

So, Ronald kept on laughing until they got back to the headquarters. Eventually his laughter dies down when William gave him another pile of paperworks.


Grell: oh god...that was just so embarrassing!

Undertaker: Aw~ don't be. You're just perfect the way you are.

Grell: Teehee~ oh well~~

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