Ronald save the day

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A/N: A little something for the admin Grell here and Madison. This is a story of Rip's feelings for her life after the war. And of course~ Ronald finally witness the other side of Rip.

Warning: Crossover and stuff. Kinda depressing.

It was a lovely day, maybe too lovely.

Rip rosed up from her coffin and look around her room. "Ah... zhe sun has arisen." She said after seeing how bright it is the sun shines in her not so dark room. "...It's just a nightmare..." She sighed, putting on her glasses.

After she finishes dressing up, she went out to the living room to see Ronald already at the couch eating his cereal eagerly.

"Morning, dear." Grell greeted ruffling Rip's dark blue hair.

Rip greeted back with a smile, getting her blood bag from the fridge. "Where's herr undertaker?"

"Oh~ you know him. He's always here and there... and everywhere." Ronald replied. "Oh, Rip? Can I use you ship today for some partying? You can surely join~ you are my sister after all."

"R-right. zhere any I can help vith?" Rip asked while taking a sip on her blood bag.

Grell raised a brow, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "You mean, you both aren't joining for dinner tonight?"

Ronald shook his head in respond. "Anyway~ gotta zip! Old man boss will get mad if I'm late again. Bye yo~" He waved running out from the main entrance.

"Ah right! I also need to get to work! Honey? Can you clean up?" Grell asked while putting on her shoes.

Rip nodded. "Ja. I can."

"Good girl~ Bye." Grell too running off to work, leaving Rip alone in the house.

Rip only sighed and clean the remaining dishes and bowls that was left on the dining table.

What's the real purpose of her being here? Sure the folks are nice enough to take her in. But...she's a vampire. A soldier. She was made to destroy...not living in some normal life with some clearly insane Reapers.

She chuckles. "I like zhem..."

Then again, she died twice. She was turn and killed by the same vampire. She no longer have the courage to face other vampires. No longer brave. No longer fierce. No longer to hunt. No longer her.

"I'm no longer a huntress..." she murmured turning to see her musket just laying there.

That night, the party isn't as huge as Rip thought. It was just Reapers from the Dispatch society.

Why is she there? Ah right, she need to learn to be social.

Ronald was busy flirting with some other reaper girls. Rip rolled her blue dark orbs, snorting.

Then, a reaper which Rip don't know walked up towards her. "Hey~ cutie. Haven't seen you around."

Uh-oh...she gulped. It's a stranger.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He got even closer causing Rip's back to be completely pressing up against the wall.

"V-vhat do you vant?" Rip look up timidly asking.

"Oh~ I just want to get to know you more~"

"R-Ronnie..." She called out. But Ronald can't hear her.

"Oh? Is Ronald your boyfriend? Well, tell you what~ you ditch that guy and be with me instead."

Oh how she wish she have her musket with her so she can shoot him in the head. She wanted to run, but the guy have block her way.

"What do you say?" He got even closer.

"Ronnie!! Ronnie!! Ronnie!!" She called him a lot of times. This time loud and clear. "H-Help...!"

Ronald immediately jolted up upon hearing Rip crying for his help pushing past the crowd to save her. "Hey you there! Lay off what's mine!" Slowly walking to the guy with clenched fist.

"Tch... I was only playing." The guy walked off.

Ronald furrowed his brows walking closer to Rip. " okay?"

Rip can cry easily, but only when she's in defeat. And she is now. A sniff can be heard, slowly she let out the tears. "I-I'm...not..."

"W-wait...don't cry. Hey, he's gone now. You're alright...please...don't cry." Ronald panicked. He is known for flirting but not comforting crying girls

Rip only hug herself and cry even more.

Ronald sighed, wrapping his arms awkwardly around Rip. "Don't cry. I'm here. It is not a pretty sight for a beautiful girl like you to be seen crying."

"W-what am I?"

"What? That's an odd question. But, you are a vampire of course." Ronald replied.

"No, what AM I?" Rip looked up. "I know I'm a vampire. But what is the purpose of me to be here?"

Ronald raised a brow, but before he answer her, he rubs off the tears from Rip's eyes. "You are you. A unique vampire. Whom we adore and love." He said giving a cough at the end feeling awkward that he have say that out loud.

"I'm afraid of...others..."

"There's nothing wrong about it. You're still you."



"Thank you..." Rip said hugging him.

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