7 minutes in heaven

93 8 20

Authors notes!!!!

Alright!!You guys warm my heart!! Ahh!! So many comments~~ so many dares!

Im Grell's admin. I want everyone to calm down for a while. We have a lot of dares and questions to answer. Not to mention the amount of time. *to Undertaker's admin* You want to hug LunitiCat ?

Admin Rip reporting for duty! Hello, my darling readers! As you can see I'm on break! Finally I can check out these questions and comments and what's all the commotion is about!

By the way, me and Rippy are not the ones writing this book, Unnie is. We are just here giving opinions and supporting her. She can write sappy stories if she want to. Call her or her stories stupid even once, I will rip your head off

Grell's admin is the hotheaded one.*cough* right~ so this chapter is kinda hard to write because the dares are... kinda awesome and hard at the same time! Nice job Enjel_Hayashi !

This story will get out of hand! So please don't hate us if it does.

Do we ship Ronald with anyone? Do we ship William with anyone? If you do, put them in a room and see what will happen.

Rip:...Welp,I am doomed! *tries to run away but Grell got hold of her*

Grell: No, you're not running away this time, darling.

Rip: Sh*t!!

Ronald: Get your hands off me! Gah!

Undertaker: Stop squirming!

Rip: Why are you doing this to us?!

Grell: We ship you two!

Ronald: What the heck?! Why do you still ship us! We hate each other!

Rip: To top that off, we ARE DIFFERENT SPECIES!!

Ronald: I don't like this at all! I'm quitting this family as soon as I get out of this!

Rip: Yes! I agreed!

Grell and Undertaker both smirked and pushes them into Rip's bedroom, locking the door.

Their point of view.

Rip: gah!! *kneeling in a corner* This is getting out of hand... I hate this.

Ronald: Yeah, no kid... By the way, why is your room so cold?

Rip: Oh...it's because I'm a vampire.

Ronald: *notice the coffin* Woah! Cool! This is one cool looking coffin! It's black wood...the handles are solid gold~!

Rip: *shrugs* It's just a coffin...

Ronald: You're one lucky vampire to be adopted by the two lunatics.

Rip: You are too you know. They are giving you everything you ever wanted. Didn't even complain once when you came home late...

Ronald:Wait, they complain when you come home late?

Rip: Yeah! It's because I'm a girl! What do you expect?

Ask Undertaker & GrellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora