About the brat.

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What do we think about Ciel Phantomhive? SugakookiesBTS

Undertaker: Can I skip this one? This certainly will bring some emotional feels.

Grell: Speaking of emotional feels....have you all read the latest chapter of 'Black Butler'? *wipe away tears with a hankie*

Undertaker:......*pets Grell's head* there there...it will be alright! I'm positively sure that there will be a miracle!

Grell: Are you sure?*titled head*

Undertaker: It's 'Black butler'!Without Agni...there wouldn't be laughter....it wouldn't be whole...We wouldn't be whole.

Grell: So~ anyway~ what is our honest thought about that Phantomhive brat. He's demanding. He's childish. Always wanting Sebastian to do his dirty work for him....Ugh! Talk about rage! I want to strangle him! Or...just put him in the death list!

Undertaker: You do know we can't do that right, darling?

Grell: I know... *sighs* but honestly, he's a great kid. A very good future husband for Elizabeth Milford if you ask me. It's sad to see his childhood ruined by some idiots out there.

Undertaker: Poor Vincent...burned to ashes and nothing was left...even bones.

Grell:...This is quite a touchy subject for him.

Undertaker: Aye, it is. The young lord is so much like his father. Whenever he walk through that very door... it was as it I could see Vincent walking in.*chuckles*

Grell:...were you in love with Vincent?

Undertaker: N-no... why on earth would you think that?

Grell: oh I don't know....You are closer to the Phantomhive family.*crossed arms*

Undertaker: Honey, I have you now...

Grell: now huh? Oh... you were involved with him!

Things got even worst. So the camera shut down itself because of the battery getting weaker.

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