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Which do Grell think about the excitement in the wedding? HannaTheDemonMaid

Grell: Finally! We're getting to the wedding part!! Wohoo~~*shaking Undertaker*

Undertaker: I haven't ask you to marry me yet... be patient~

Grell: oh poo...*pouts* Well~ there's a lot of things I like in weddings~ The cake...the people~ the ceremony~*smiles brightly as she listed out examples*

Undertaker: What I like about the wedding is throwing the cake at each other~! Teehehe

Grell: No one asked you!

Undertaker: Fine fine. *sit in a corner*

Grell: But, the one thing I love about the wedding is when I picture myself walking down the aisle. In that most prettiest wedding dress. And every step I take, will be closer to my sweet husband~ knowing that our lives together will be the fullest~ He will be standing there waiting for me.

Undertaker: And taking her away from the crowd right after when the ceremony is over.

Grell: and happy ending~

Ask Undertaker & GrellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora