A total mess

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Cooking with two lunatics! YuriHasBladeShoes

Undertaker: We are too lazy to type the question out.

Grell: Hey!

A question for Undertaker, did you and Grell ever baked something together and it go completely wrong?

Undertaker: Did we ever baked something?

Grell: no, unless you count the time with Rip and Ronald ?

Undertaker: Alright! We don't have to answer this one!

Grell: Goodbye~ lovely people.

Undertaker: Pfft...we were just kidding.

Grell: oh~ another flashback!


The day they tried baking together.

Grell: Unnie! I'm bored!

Undertaker: oh? And what do you want to do?

Grell: Oh I don't know. Tell me a joke? Strip tease? Something, anything!!

Undertaker: Why don't you help me with the cookies hm? How's that sound?

Grell: I never bake before~ I would love to give baking a try!

After a few moments,

Grell: What does this do? *holding up a mixing bowl*

Undertaker: That's...for mixing the ingredients..

Grell: and what does this do? *pointed at the oven*

Undertaker: that's an oven...

Grell: But it's too small! You should buy a bigger one! Like the ones that you can fit a whole body into it!

Undertaker: I'm not becoming a murderer...

Grell: It would be fun!

A few more moments later,

Undertaker: Alright~ do separate the yolk and the egg white for me~

Grell: *turned to stare at the bowl of yolks and egg whites* How do you separate them?

Undertaker: Use the kitchen tool that is beside you. It would be easy~

Grell: *picks it up* Is this a mini version of the giant filter for the flour?

Undertaker: Just separate them!!

2 hours later,

Grell: Well! I'm heading to the couch! I'm tired of waiting~

Undertaker: Um what's that? *pointing at the huge pile of mess on the floor*

Grell: Oh~ that's Ronnie the second. It is made of unwanted ingredients.

Undertaker: Is it alive? *poking it with a stick*

Grell: Of course not!

Another hour late,

Undertaker: Ronnie! *talking on the phone*

Ronald: What's up...?

Undertaker: You and your sister can't come home today!

Ronald: Why not?!

Undertaker: Your mother have created a monster out of flour and baking powder and other unknown materials!

Ronald: Cool!

Undertaker: Just take your sister away from here!

Ronald: Fine...

Next morning,

Grell: Well! No more baking for me!

Undertaker: Where did Ronnie the second went?

Grell: I sent it to the Phantomhive manor.

Undertaker: You what?

Grell: Sebby can handle it!

End of flashback

Undertaker: Pfft hahahahahaha!

Grell: I wonder how did Sebby handle that...

Undertaker: And that why I never let her bake or cook ever again~

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