Making sure

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Grell: We are too lazy to even answer all the questions!!

Undertaker: it because you have your responsibilities of Ronald? You feel lazy all of the sudden? You want to quit being a mom?

Grell: No! I'm fine with whatever Ronald does~! He's a...sweet kid...

Undertaker: Really? He's terrified of me. I'm not even done with him yet for breaking those antique dishes!

Grell: That one time...

Undertaker: So a question from my son...Ronald. What will we do if we were ever to be caught for doing something illegal and got throw into jail? LunitiCat

Grell: Easy...Ronald will bail us out~!

Undertaker:...He was force to be our son. And do you really think he will have that kind of money?

Grell: then start giving him his allowance! You're the father!

Undertaker: *sighs* How much does he want per day?

Grell: Ask him.

Undertaker: Well, for starters... we are flipping reapers! We don't end up in jail! We are too fabulous for jail!

Grell: Why are you talking like that all of the sudden?

Undertaker: I have some influence by our son.

Grell: ohh~ the undertaker have a sudden soft spot for Ronnie~

Undertaker: That's because he's our son!

Grell: Oh Ronnie~ you don't have to be terrified of Undertaker anymore~ he's just as soft as a cute little kitten.

Undertaker: Shut up, woman.

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