Not a dare or Q&A just some random update by two reapers.

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Grell: Did I heard it wrongly? Did Ronald just agreed to be my adopted child?

Undertaker: I don't mind.

Grell: Does Ronald need to change his surname to 'Crevan'?

Undertaker: Ronald Sutcliff Cervan? Pfft...*chuckles*

Grell: H-hey! You're the one who said you don't mind!

Undertaker:...A room with no corpses huh? That can be arrange! Why don't Ronald decorate his own room.

Grell:...He's controlling the household arrangement. *point a finger at Undertaker*

Undertaker: Im not setting a curfew, really. I hate that as well. Normally, I don't sleep.

Grell:...and Ew..Broccoli?! Who eats that? They must be crazy to even fell in love with it.

Undertaker:*chuckles* and of course~ Ronald need to sign this so we can be the legal guardian ~*hold up a piece of paper*

Grell:I'm going to be his mom?!

Undertaker: spoiler alert, Grell is going crazy~~

Grell: Oh death god! I'm going to be a mom!

Undertaker: *face palm* let's just...Take a short break.

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