The end is near.

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Undertaker: test...1...2...3 *adjusting the microphone* Hello, my lovelies~ it is wonderful to see you again! Grell is apparently putting her makeup on, so I decided to take over here for a while. Anyway, it seems...all the questions has been answered, and oh one seems to be giving us any questions. And....We decided to...

Grell: oh death god! Give me that damn mic...! *snatch the microphone from Undertaker's hand* We decided to put an end with this question and answer book!

Undertaker: is the end. We both have our own lives. And it is time to say goodbye.

Grell: It was fun answering all those questions. Even though some of it was repeat questions. *made a face* Again, I still hate Ronald. I never like William. Sebastian is more like a...spare? ....Just everything about my love life is with this dull guy right next to me. *hug Undertaker* I love him.

Undertaker: Huehuehue...*accept the hug* Well I love you too, my sweet. And to anyone who is still wondering how we get together...just look it up, it's on the previous chapter.

Grell: I guess. This is goodbye?

Undertaker: Yes. This is it... We are thankful for taking your time to read this book. And to accepted who we are.

Grell: 1...2...3...

Both: We love you all!!

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