Another crossover...

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Undertaker: Seriously! If this Vampire stays here forever...just change the book title to 'Ask Undertaker & Grell with an annoying Vampire from Hellsing'

Grell: Dearie...your jealousy is showing.

Undertaker: I am not jealous!

Rip Van Winkle:...*hides behind something so not to get involve*

Undertaker: Don't tell're going to adopt her too...

Grell:...Maybe... sort of... Kinda...

Undertaker: Oh death god! One isn't enough for you? And you want another one?

Grell: Well, some people owns a lot of things!

Undertaker: Things, Grell! Not people.

Grell: You let me keep Ronald!

Undertaker: That's because I already treated him like one!

Grell: Shocking moment.

Rip Van Winkle: The author have something to say.

Author note: *cough* Sorry for the interruption...Rip Van Winkle is one of my friend's favorite character...she hope that I would add her in this book. Well, I'm doing it for my friend only...and, Rip Van Winkle will only appear if I wanted to. Please, no more questions about adopting other children rather than Ronald or Rip. This book isn't for any Oc characters... I'm frustrated and will end this book immediately if you continue to do so. So, it's official...Rip and Ronald will be Undertaker's & Grell 's adopted child. If you have a problem with that...please, there's a door. Thank you.

Undertaker: Remember when I told you that I will seriously kill a vampire?

Grell: Yes?

Undertaker: *summon his scythe* Well, I am about to kill one now!

Rip Van Winkle: Oh Gott...*back away*

Grell: Run!

Rip Van Winkle: Auf Wiedersehen !!!*runs away holding her musket*

Undertaker:...You know, she's nice unlike any other vampires. But I just don't like the fact you didn't tell me first before making the decision on your own.

Grell: I'm sorry. *sighs* I promise you, there's no next time.

Undertaker: Alright...So a Vampire huh?

Grell: I hope Ronald is okay with it.

Undertaker: Ronald will not have to share a room with her. After all, she is a lady.

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