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Grell: If someone broke something important to me and blamed on the Undertaker. LunitiCat my heart count?

Undertaker: *stood there don't know what to say.* Um, Ronald?(I don't know what to call you) Does this involve with something deep or...

Grell:*read the question once more* Oh! I get it now! Well, let's see...

Undertaker: the one gift that I gave you on Christmas...*frown*

Grell: Ah that. It was a snow globe with girl and a boy inside it. Its custom made too. Undertaker made it himself.

Undertaker: that day...a customer came in...and accidentally drop it while he was holding it taking a look at it. When Grell came back and saw the 'crime scene', the customer immediately blamed me for it when I walked out from the back.

Grell: Undertaker is a reasonable person. He kept quiet, the customer continue to accuse him for breaking it. God, humans are so dumb. Of course, I know Undertaker won't break it! He's the one who made it! But, I wasn't the one pulling out my chainsaw that time. It was Undertaker.

Undertaker: I pulled out her scythe and chase the customer away! Teehehehe.

Grell:...but too bad the snow globe can't be fix. *pouts* it was my favorite.

Undertaker: *whisper to the readers* I already made another one just for her~

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