Offensive comments

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Undertaker: Teehee... there sure are a lot of weird people out there

Grell: Actually~ I'm not offended at all...Ronnie!!!

Ronald : Yeah?

Grell: Can we please go kill this rude reader?!

Ronald: I thought Rip is better at this~

Rip: I'm fine. But...*pulls out her musket* I will freaking blow her head off.

Now with the author notes

First we have Grell's admin

How stupid can an individual be? Oh an incident happened not so long ago, there's this reader who commented on every chapter we wrote with very rude and unprofessional words, and yet, she still continues on reading. After reading, she would comment on how awful this and that is, on how she doesn't ship this or that, on how fcking arrogant she is! Fck off! Don't like it, don't ship it, don't fcking read, you fcking stupid piece of sht (ovo)

Now with Undertaker's admin

I don't know to be in rage or laugh? Seriously, can she at least write proper grammar ? Hahahaha, I laughed at all the comments she left chapter by chapter. All those hurtful comments towards the characters. But I deleted all of them and I screenshot every one of them ~~ oh darling, she have no idea how many admins work on this book. My dear, every comment that you left...can never hurt me or admin Grell or admin Rip or admin're just wasting your time~ Ships are always welcome here but rudeness towards how we write or rudeness to the characters will not be welcome here. OwO so~~ goodbye our rude will be forgotten forever!!

Both of the admins' notes towards LunitiCat

Let's see~ we want to thank you for reading this and enjoy it. We love you so much and your work~ Admin Rip can't be with us today because she's working... We want to say thank you for not hating our decisions on how we write. On letting us using Ronald into our stories VwV We enjoy writing together, we always discuss on what to write ... on how will the story ends. Even though we have countless of hates and hurtful comments... We manage to keep going because you LunitiCat is our inspiration. You inspire us all the time~ And thank you for being the first fan of our works~~always encouraging us~ *hugs* we are sorry if we sometimes can't keep our cool. We can never forget that you're the 'curious little beastie' in our comment section~~

Anyway ~ Grell's & Undertaker's admins signing off~~!

Rip: Let me at her! Let me at her!!!

Ronald: Cool down,Rippy.

Grell:Tch...she's lucky I'm in a good mood.

Undertaker: A question for LunitiCat ~

Ronald's a flirty type right? Can he at least get what he wants without needing to flirt with the receptionists or anyone? And.... Ronald's scythe have been taken away! What will he do ? Grell really stupid...?

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