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So Grell what was the cheesiest thing that Undertaker had say to you?
By Madison

Grell: Oh dear. This is hard. Every word come for his mouth is always cheesy~

Undertaker: You're my sunshine~ the light in my life~

Grell: See. What I meant~

Undertaker: Teehehehe.

Grell: Alright the cheesiest thing he said~~

I have this question that I want to ask of you
I know I may seem like a joke
A fool who only requires laughter
An insane mortician
I know I'm not rich
Nor I can give you an expensive gift
But I know that you desire something more
I can only offer you
Tea that is hot
And biscuits that are fresh
Nothing too big
Nothing too  grand
Just a dull old man ready to give you his heart
I will treasure you for eternity
Take you in as one of mine
Carry you when you're hurt
Be your amusement when you're bored
Let you do whatever you want
And will never abandon you.
Will you marry this old fool,
And be my queen?

Undertaker: Oh dear. That is something that wasn't suppose to be publish.

Grell: You're a sweetheart~

Ronald: I think I will skip dinner tonight, You?

Rip: I will lay off the blood tonight as well.

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