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Do we watch anime?

Grell: Hell yeah we do!

Undertaker: Hellsing is favorite~

Grell: Wait...I thought Black Butler is you favorite?

Undertaker: I can have many favorites~

Grell: Akuma No Riddle~ that's just pure awesomeness!

Undertaker: Recently we watch Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. So adorable~~

Grell: Don't get me started with the classic Blood C!

Undertaker:Hellsing Ultimate!

Grell: Detective Conan. I know they haven't got an ending yet~

Undertaker: Attack on Titans

Grell: Valkyrie Drive mermaid. I know this is an ecchi and yuri! Don't freaking judge, I support the LGBT!!

Undertaker: And any other Yuri anime. We can't just name them all, can we?

Grell: We have answered it! We are done! And coming are the dares for Ronald? Oh you know what? I'm gonna just let him's kinda torturing him.

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