Special chapter

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A/N: We have reached over 3k views! Thank you so much for supporting this book~ I love you all~

Now here is a special chapter that all of you have been dying to read!

I give you~~

The Wedding day!! *applause*

It is a day that most girls dream of, the day that most girls would put on their best dress, their best make up...

The wedding day.

Rip sighed dreamily while helping Grell with her wedding dress. "You look extremely outstanding today~ Miss Grell."

Grell smiled looking her reflection in the mirror. "Don't I know, darling. Don't I know... and you~" She turned her body to face Rip. "You look absolutely stunning in that dress of yours~"

A hint of flushed appeared on Rip's delicate cheeks. "Aw~thank you"

The wedding took place well not in a church, they are the death. So, a garden full with roses, with a maple tree to hang the christmas lights, raining rose pedals, white curtains, red candles, beautiful music... a dream come true indeed.

Ronald was with Undertaker, helping him get ready. "Aw jeez...why do I have to get stuck with you?"

"Because, you are my groomsman." Undertaker chuckles in response.

Ronald sighed. "You can call William, or Eric or maybe Alan to do it."

"Because~ You know me better than them."


One step, and another... he saw his wife-to-be walking down the aisle. He blinked, almost can't recognize that it is her. If he's a human, he would have a heart attack by now. Everyone they know came to the wedding, even Sebastian and Ciel.

"My darling Grell, we come so far... and here we are... With this ring, I can finally claim what's mine. I will cherish you forever, never abandon you... through thick and thin, sickness and in health.... till death do us apart...even though we are death itself." He chuckles finishes his vow and slipping the ring onto her finger.

They planned to do their own vows. And it worked perfectly even without practice.

She chuckled softly as she stood there in front of him in her simple yet elegant wedding dress. When the groom slipped the ring on to her finger, she too took the other pair, "People may give us weird looks and judge us, may it not be something to be scared of, Challenges may come our way, they could be even tougher than of those we experienced individually. But we are one, we will face such paths together. Let this be my vow, to treasure and make you happy throughout our lives. Let nothing sever our ties, it may get tangled up in many ways but I shall untangle them at any cause." she said as she was slowly slipping the ring into his finger.

"I would love to marry you all over again if I do manage to loose you. But I can assure you, I won't let you go this time. I was a fool back then, I need you more than ever." He said holding both her hands firmly with his. "We are now, husband and wife. I may kiss the bride." He smirks, leaning closer. "Sealing the deal." Saying before he close the gap.

Everyone cheered.


Grell went to Sebastian, which surprisingly he didn't kick her or shoved her away. Instead, he lead her
to the dance floor and they slow dance.

Ciel came to Undertaker who
Is at the mini bar with a smirk on his face. "You seriously letting her do this?"

"It is her day after all." Undertaker smiled taking a sip of his drink.

Sebastian bowed lightly kiss the back of Grell's hand and went off.

Grell immediately went to Undertaker. "Did you see that?"

Undertaker nodded. "Of course~"


Rip looked around just standing there alone awkwardly, in her nigh sky colour  dress with her hair tied in a bun. She sighed ready to leave and walk back to her house.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ronald called out.

Rip turned around. "Well, I was about to head back to the house."

"You look like ...well, you're not in that suit of yours. You look dashing?'Ronald said

"...well, you look quite like usual but..." Rip walked to him and take of the black bow tie. "There, now you look like you~"

"Phew~ this bow tie was trying to strangle me." Ronald chuckles rubbing the back of his head with one of his hand. "Too bad, your Mr Twilight isn't here to see the you..."

"Ronnie? Are you asking me to dance?" Rip raised a brow and asked.

Ronald held out his hand and look away. "That... if you want to ... it's a shame a lady like you be left out...If you don't want to, I can just ask some other girls."

Rip rolled her eyes and gladly place her hand in his. "Like brother and sister. Nothing more."

Grell and Undertaker was just across them, looking or maybe kinda spying on them.

"What the heck are they up to right now? I hope they are not fighting." Grell groaned.

"Well... I believe our son is asking our daughter to dance." Undertaker replied pointing at those two at the dance floor.

"It would be better if they are a couple.." Grell said making a sad pout.

"Nah, I see them better as brother and sister~ It would be more fun." Undertaker said.

Before Grell could say anything else, William the announcer interrupted.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the happy couple wish to extend their thanks to all of you for sharing this special day with them. As the evening is drawing to a close and it is time for the final dance."

"Oh! How fun!" she grinned turned to Undertaker

She caught his gaze as she stood up and extended her hand to him.

"Shall we, darling?"

He nodded and gave her his hand. They made their way out onto the dark dance floor and he pulled her into his arms as she rested her head on his shoulder with a happy sigh.

"Thank you, darling. For everything," she cooed.

He kissed the top of her head. "I can do nothing less for you," he whispered as he pulled her closer.

As the music cued up, the announcer's voice filled the room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen I present Mr. and Mrs. Crevan."

Ronald crossed his arms leaning on a tree looking at the newly wed couple dancing. "I guess, this story have finally come to an end."

"No, not yet. The story have just only began." Rip replied handing a glass of wine to Ronald.

"For being awesome?" Ronald held out his glass.

"For being awesome~"

Their glass clink.

The end!

Wahahahaha ha! Finally I have finish this story~! Thank you Madison and my lovely Grell for completing this with me! I love you all very much~

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