Lets take a break

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Rip: Hey you all!

Ronald: Why are you being so American.

Rip: Vell, I can't help myself. Anyway...

Ronald: We are taking a break from this ask and question book.

Undertaker: *clear his throat* Kids, this is our book not yours. Now go something else and stop messing with the equipment.

Grell: Hello...*wave*

Undertaker: Let's see... I guess we are kinda drained from work and other worthless things...

Grell: Everyday we face is a challenge.

Undertaker: Maybe just give Ronald a chance to enjoy his royalty life...(let Ronald have all the credit)

Grell: and give Rip a chance of freedom..?

Undertaker: Ah yes that.

Grell: So we are taking a short break...

Undertaker: Maybe a week or a month..? We don't know really...

Grell: Admin have finished this...

Undertaker: Oh right the whole mayhem between William and Rip

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Undertaker: Oh right the whole mayhem between William and Rip.

Grell: It's on some Facebook page. Let's say the fans did take a liking with this crossover ship.

Undertaker: They commented 'cute'...

Grell:Right, we still have a few questions we need to answer but we don't feel like it right now.

Undertaker: *shrugs* So I hope we can see you all soon.

Grell: Not too soon...

Undertaker: See ya...*flop onto the bed*

Rip: Our parents says it all!

Ronald: Great... Now what are we going to do?

Rip: You have your own little ask book so you go back there. I'm heading back to Germany away from you and William.

Ronald: Right you two...haven't solve the situation..

Rip: I hope when I get back...I don't have to endure the pain! *point her musket at Ronald* I promise myself that I will shoot you if I find you in Germany. So long!!! Rip Van Winkle out!!!

Ronald: Knox out.

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