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I sigh as I sit at the table across from Tobin as we eat dinner outside of a nice little restaurant close to the hotel.

"You're quiet." Tobin says and I shrug.

"Food's too good to talk." I say before putting more food into my mouth.

"Got you to talk though." Tobin says before taking a drink of her water and I roll my eyes at her as I finish my plate of food.

"Okay, now I'll talk." I say and Tobin smiles her smile.

"Finally." Tobin says and I chuckle.

"It's almost as if you've been stuck in solitary confinement for five years."

"Feels like it." Tobin says and I look around us.

"Babe, this place is packed. We're in New York." I say and Tobin shrugs.

"So? You get so quiet when you eat." Tobin says and I smile, reaching across the table to hold Tobin's hand.

"Aw, baby, you don't like the silence of a nice meal?" I ask and Tobin rolls her eyes before we settle into a nice conversation about just about anything, until someone grabs me from behind. "Tobin!" I say, reaching for her as I'm pulled out of my chair.


As Y/N and I talk about her life before college, I look up when I see a flash of blonde hair and smile when I see it's Abby sneaking up on Y/N, she signals for me to be quiet, so I do and just listen to Y/N as she talks about her dad until Abby grabs Y/N and pulls her away from the table.

"Tobin!" Y/N screams, reaching for me and thrashing in Abby's arms as I get up.

"Abby, put her down." I say and Y/N stops, looking at me with a slack jaw before turning around to look at Abby as she's set on her feet,

"Abby!" Y/N squeals before jumping on Abby and hugging her tight.

"Hey, kid." Abby says, chuckling as Y/N hops back down.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asks and she points over her shoulder to a blonde woman who waves.

"We're getting dinner. You?" Abby asks and I step over and wrap an arm around Y/N's waist, kissing her head as she rests her head on my shoulder. "No way, you guys finally got together?" Abby asks and I nod. "When?"

"When Y/N went to Orlando with Alex. You remember Danielle, right? That bitchy athletic trainer?"


"Y/N and her dated for a couple months before Danielle cheated on Y/N when Portland was in Orlando for the reverse game of the first game of the season, and that's when we got together." I explain and grin when Y/N wraps her arms around me.

"Pretty much yeah." Y/N says and I chuckle.

"Pretty much? That's exactly what happened." I say and Abby chuckles, wrapping her arm around the blonde woman.

"Who's this?" Y/N asks, pointing at the woman, lifting her head off my shoulder.

"My fiancee." Abby says before turning to her fiancee. "These are two of my old teammates." She says before smiling. "The one I tried to kidnap is Y/N Y/L/N, and the other one is Tobin Heath." Abby explains and we shake hands with the lady.

"The other one though?"

"Well, it's not like I did anything to you." Abby says and I nod.

"Yeah, true."

"So what are you two doing in New York?"

"We're in town for bootcamp for a couple more days." Y/N says and Abby nods.

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