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Christmas with Tobin in Portland was great, but we had to pack for New Years in California with my folks, and her folks, both families were going to spend the rest of the holidays in some mansion up in the mountains just outside San Diego, I have no idea who planned it or how the plan worked, but it was happening, so that's where we were spending the rest of 2019.

"Do you plan on sneaking off to Studio City?" Tobin asks, looking at me with a bag of my usual dance attire in her hand. I shrug and catch the bag when she tosses it to me. 

"Better to be prepared in case Jade calls, or Will, or Janelle call and invite me down." I say and Tobin nods. Once we were packed, I went down stairs to get Sortzen in his harness and groan as he sits on me. "Hey, elephant, you're not a pup anymore." I say and he huffs at me as I pat his sides. "Let me up." I say and he stays put. "I'm not leaving you, you're coming with us. Come on buddy." Still nothing. "Go get Tobin." I say and he's gone, so I follow him up to the room and smile as I see Sortzen keeping her from getting anything else she needs. I chuckle and grab my bag and take it down to the Ford and go back up, calling Sortzen with me, he follows happily as Tobin yells after us, playfully of course. 


When we land at LAX, we get a rental car, since my folks were in San Diego still, settling into the mansion for the two weeks we were going to be here, and headed to the house, when we got there, I jumped at the sound of some kid yelling at us as we got out of the car that he liked the car, it was a Range Rover because coincidences, and I kinda just pretended to not hear him as I got mine and Tobin's bags from the back of the car while Tobin got Sortzen and headed inside with her, my dad met us on the porch and welcomed us to the house. Tobin's family had a flight out tomorrow, so they'd be landing at LAX around 9 PM, Tobin of course volunteered to pick them up while I followed my dad to the room he said Tobin and I would be sharing, it was a seven bedroom house, one room for my folks, one for Tobin's parents, one for Lydia and Bri, one for Tobin and I, and finally, a room each for Tobin's siblings. As I was in the kitchen with my mom and Bri in mom's arms, I got a text, so I checked it to see that it was Will, a choreographer I enjoy working with when I can. He was checking my availability for a class tomorrow around 6. I asked my mom and she said that she was going to hold off on plans until after the Heath family gets here, so I told Will that I'd be there after asking him if it was at his studio or at Millennium, didn't really matter, I would've gone anyway. Five minutes later, I get a text from Jade asking if I wanted to meet up for lunch. I accepted and took the keys from Tobin when I told her I was going out for lunch with a friend

"Be careful." Tobin says and I nod, kissing her softly before getting in the Rover and heading to where Jade said she'd meet me, I tweeted about spending New Years with the families here a couple days ago, so everyone knows that I'm in California, and Jade was in San Diego for some kind of shoot she was doing with some action YouTuber, but she had just wrapped for the day, and wanted to catch up, so I accepted the offer and we met up, ate, and caught up, she asked about the class tomorrow and I told her that I was going, she was of course excited, as was I, I really enjoy spending time with my friends in the dance community, seeing as from mid January to the end of October, I'm in soccer mode, I only have two months for everything else.


When I got back to he house, Sortzen came bounding up to me and I smiled as I scratched his head.

"Hey baby." Tobin says, coming over to me and wrapping me in her arms, kissing me softly.

"Hi." I say, pulling away from the kiss. "Was I missed?" I ask and Tobin nods, taking my hand and walking me to the living room, where my parents, sister and niece were sitting on the couch, watching a movie, Tobin and I sat on the couch together, and cuddled up together for the movie, after the movie, we all headed to bed, and I groan as I lay on the bed, smiling as Tobin crawls into bed with me and cuddles up to me, resting her head on my chest.

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