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I just wanted to say, thank you for how much you all showed support for this story. When I joined a few months ago, I didn't think that my dark idea would become something like this!

But... this is what i wanted to talk about. Nothing major, really, just a small change i'm going to be doing. 

You know how every time I get a new follower, I would mention their name, give them a little prize and everything? (If you didn't notice then something's wrong with you because i do it at the end of every chapter)I'm going to stop doing that.

It's not that I hate it, I like showing love to my followers and giving them a little prize, especially those who message me, giving me feedback, fan art, and positive words. (You know who you are, give yourself a pat on the back)

The main problem is the other stories i'm going to be publishing soon. If I gain a follower because of those stories, I wouldn't be able to tell which story they read, so I can't do my bit of mentioning their name at the end of a chapter because they might not even read No More, they could be reading my other stories, and it will be frustrating on my part and confusing to them.

Still, I reached over 50 followers. Not too bad if I say so myself.

So to those who recently followed: Fandom_Fusion and Demons_Desires!

For you two, here's a cookie. (::)

No matter how much time has passed, it will always be hot and fresh. 

So enjoy~! :)

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