Chapter 95: Revelations Part 5

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"Uncle?" Axel repeated in disbelief as he turned towards Jesse. "He's related to you?"

"Not by choice," The homunculus repeated, the scythe in his clawed hands never straying from targeting Jesse. "Then again, no one has a choice when it comes to family, but we can choose our friends."

"Friends?" Jesse repeated in confusion. Why bring up friends, or even mention them all of a sudden?

The black dust that was swarming behind the homunculus retracted back into his body to reveal a possessed Templar wearing a metal exoskeleton that's covering her entire body; her blonde hair is visible.

"L-Lisa...!" Jesse whispered, his eyes full of emotion.

"Hello, meatbags." PAMA greeted, its red eyes stared each and every one of them before settling on Olivia.

"Y-You?!" Olivia shouted in disbelief and fright. "I thought you were gone; you left!"

"That doesn't mean it prevents me from returning, you fucking idiot," PAMA scoffed at Olivia, its female voice echoing inside the exoskelton. "I meant it when I said I was going to personally kill you, meatbag."

"No, you're not!" Jesse yelled, standing in front of Olivia as Axel and Petra flanked her; Raven still held Lukas with a sword, made out of divine energy, to his throat to prevent the homunculus from attacking them. "We're getting Lisa back, and we're not going to let you hurt anymore people!"

"I like to see you try, meatbags," PAMA growled as familiar humanoids walked to flank PAMA's sides; The Lost.

"Oh... that is not good." Petra commented, looking at the four pale pseudo-immortals before them; their single eye is a deep red like Lisa's since they too are under PAMA's control.

"Think of them as a precaution of you don't hand over Lukas," The freak said as he gripped his scythe in both of his clawed hands. "Personally, I'm only after the people in the Clockwork Fortress."

Jesse was on his guard, but he needs answers while stalling for Tangle. He needs to ask something that's been bugging him. "But if you're after those under he Clockwork Fortress, and avenging Lukas, then what about Bailey?"

If the hood of his metal cloak weren't blocking his decayed face, then they would see him raise a wilted eyebrow at that sudden question. "What about her?" The freak replied coldly in his dead voice. "I didn't even get to cut that whore-!"

"He's talking about why you wanted to kill her!" Olivia snapped, angry at his disregard for life, partially forgetting to stall until Tangle is ready. "Why are you so obsessed with killing her?"

"Because she did this to him," PAMA grabbed the homunculus chest, sinking its exoskeleton claws in before ripping out his ribcage; exposing his inner, maggot-infested, rotten organs as his odd-colored blood splatters all over the ground before them. There was a scar on his dead heart, leading downwards as it had multiple tumors that leaked and bursts colorful liquid.

"Is that... potion liquid?" Raven asked in disbelief, eyeing the substance that's mixing with the homunculus' odd-colored blood that's pooling onto the ground. "Why is that leaking out of him?!"

"Bailey did this to me," The homunculus revealed/growled, making them tense; it sounded inhuman. The homunculus' skin and cloak grew back healthy before rotting. "Her Alchemy Class supercharged her hybrid Potion of Healing and Regeneration with Mana, it didn't help that the armor I was wearing during the Tournament had hydra blood; it leaked into my skin."

Everyone was starting to understand now. "So..." Jesse's mouth felt dry as he looked at his nephew. "That hydra blood and Bailey's potion-!"

"Equals me." The freak finished, tapping his claws on his chest. "It was only because of my adaptable, homunculus DNA allowed his to survive as long as I did; I mutated into this!"

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