Contest - Part 2

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Stef's pov

*The next day*

It was 6 o'clock and my alarm went off, telling me to get up and go to school. This was my last week of the term and I just wanted to sleep. (school is different in Australia to America) 

I eventually woke up, got dressed and went to the bus stop. I had to catch two buses because I live a bit far (and no school bus comes to where I live). I finally get to school and see my best friend Ali. I told her everything and we both started screaming and jumping around. The bell rang and I went off to homeroom then double commerce.

*Ship to the end of the day*

As Ali and I were walking to her house (cause I was sleeping over) when a notification came onto my phone, that said that Daniel started a YouNow. So we were watching it while walking. Ali loved Daniel so much, ever since he was on American Idol. He was so cute and I loved that he was always smiling. It brought me joy to see the boys so happy. I sent him a text through the YouNow messages, not expecting Daniel to read/see it but when he saw my name his face grew brighter and he answered while saying to everyone "go follow Stefania and sorry if I didn't say your name right" After a few minutes we had reached Ali's house and the YouNow ended. 

Mum's Pov

*ring, ring*

Mum: Hello?

Logan: Hi is this Stefania's mum?

Mum: Yes, and who is this?

Logan: My name is Logan Paul, by any chance is your daughter with you?

Mum: Ok, and no she is not with me. Do you want to leave a message so I can give it to her?

Logan: Ok. Can I ask if you do me a favour? 

Mum: It depends on what it is. 

Logan: Your daughter had entered my competition a few days ago and I'm just calling to tell you that she has won. But I want to make this a surprise so can you please not tell her. I will be sending you an email and text message of the plane tickets and if it's fine with you, you can stay at my apartment in the guest bedroom. 

Mum: Thank you so much for all of this, and about the apartment idea it would be great but only if it's not a problem with you. 

Logan: It's no problem but I have to go away 2 days after you arrive because I am shooting a film in Las Vegas and ill be back again the day after so you will be staying at the boy's house. 

Mum: That won't be a problem and again thank you so much for what you are going for my daughter. 

*call ended*

*shipped to friday*

Mum: Stefania i have some exciting news to tell you before you leave

Stef: What is it and please be quick, i have to go or i will miss the bus? 

Mum: Don't worry about catching the bus this morning i'll take you to school.

Stef: Ok, so what did you want to tell me??

Mum: Tomorrow afternoon we will be going on a holiday.

Stef: Omg where?

Mum: Where going to New York and we will be back before the end of the holidays. 

Stef: How long have you planned this for?

Mum: About a 3 months why?

Stef: Just wondering.

Mum: Start packing and we are leaving for school in half an hour.

Stef: Ok

*half an hour goes past*

Mum: Have you got everything for school?

Stef: Yes

Mum: Ok, let's go

I get to school and tell Ali everything. 

Authors note: Thank you so much guys for reading xx 

(29th June 2017)

A Zach Herron (Fan Fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن