First Date

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Before I start this chapter I want to say thank you to everyone who has read my book. It now has 5.3K views and I am beyond grateful <3

Sef's Pov

Spending time with the boys and their families for Christmas is amazing. I haven't felt this happy on Christmas since I was 8. To see all this love and happiness makes me feel like the world isn't always bad. Zach and I have been dating for 9 months now but haven't gone on a date yet and it was kind of weird, well that's if you don't count the Skype dates.

*The next day*

I wake up to an empty bed and house. I get dressed and headed downstairs. There was a note that says "Morning beautiful, go to the first place I met you and Jonah will be your travel partner today. p.s I love you". I go to their backyard and see Jonah standing there with a white rose and a card. I go up to him and he gives the rose and card, I hug him then read the card "So I may have gotten a little help for this one but where was the place where you were forced to do girly things". I thought about it for a while then I remember Jack saying that he never thought that I would be the girly type to paint their nails. I told Jonah were to bring me and he took them there. He stayed in the car and I walked in the nail shop and Jack was standing there with a white rose and a card. I go up to him and he gives me the rose and card. I read the card that says "Many famous people have their name in a star, Hopefully, we will have our name on a star". I look at Jack, hug him and we both leave but idk where he is going. Jack says to me before going the opposite direction "If Zach ever decides to break your heart or upset you, tell me no matter what" I said, "I promise you will be the first to know". I found it a bit weird but I just kept walking. I get back to the car and Jonah asks me "where to next" and I said "The Walk of Fame". The radio was playing quietly and I heard the boys song so I turned up the volume and Jonah and I started singing to it. We get to the walk of fame and get out if the car. Jonah came with me for this one because you had to walk a bit for this one. I finally found Daniel with a white rose and a card. I walk up to him and he gave me the rose and card that said: "it's the middle of the day and you're probably hungry, go to the place where I ordered for you". I told Jonah to take me to Chipotle because the first time I had Chipotle I had Zach order for me cause I've never had it before. About 10 minutes later we get to Chipotle and Corbyn is standing there with a white rose and a card that said: "enjoy your lunch then head back to the house where there is a surprise for you". I thank Corbyn and gave him a hug. We ordered our food and hung out. We finished our food and made our way back to the boy's house. I went to my room and I saw a note on the bed on top of an outfit. I read that card "I picked out an outfit for the second part of the date. Put this on and go to the place that has a beautiful view. Also, bring the roses". I grab the clothes and head to the bathroom. I get changed, did my hair, put my stuff in my bag then went downstairs. I asked Jonah to drive me to the "open view" (I made that up and I know it's not that creative). I say goodbye to everyone and we head out, I got into the car and started playing music. Jonah and I were singing along to the music until we had arrived. Jonah hugged me and told me to have a good time and that he will be back to pick us up before I got out of the car. I thanked him for helping and bringing me around today. I kissed him on the cheek and got out of the car with my flowers. I walk around for about 5 minutes until I saw Zach. He was standing there in a cute outfit with a rose but this time it wasn't white. I walk up to him and he handed me the black rose. I've always wanted to see one. It had a card attached to it. It read "here is a rose that you've always wanted. I would do anything and everything for you, I love you so much". As I finish reading it I go and give Zach a big and passionate kiss. It felt like nothing in the world mattered except for us. He brings me over to where he had set up a blanket and a basket of food. We lay there cuddled up together and talking. I really loved his company even if it was completely silent. I got a bit cold and Zach could feel it so he gave me his jumper. We ate and went back to the car. Jonah was in the car playing on his phone.

Stef: Jonah, have you been sitting here the whole time??

Jonah: Well, I did go and get some food but yeah why??

Stef: You didn't have to. You have a life too, you can do whatever you want to do.

Jonah: Yea I know but I wanted to make sure that everything went well. Plus I went on YouNow so I wasn't alone

Stef: Well thank you for caring bro

Jonah: Anything for you lil sis

We drive back to the house and I was tired so when I walked in I said hi and goodnight to everyone then went upstairs to change and went to bed. Zach soon joined me after.

Authors note: Hey guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter, make sure to comment your thoughts. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! This is also my very first update in 2018. I hope this year will be filled with much more happiness and love than last year. I hope you all have a good day/night xxx

- Stefania

(3 January 2018)

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