The Boys Are Back

54 1 7

Stef's Pov

*skipped a few days*

The boys were coming back tomorrow so I decided to decorate the house as a surprise. I told Logan where I was going and what I was planning and he was fine with it. I have a shower and throw on a white crop top, black leggings, sunglasses and my black and white checkered Vans. I then grab my bag and put my camera for vlogging, wallet, a water bottle, and my portable charger. I grabbed my phone and left. I walked down the street to get some decorations and a cake mix and some groceries. I get back to the house and start to set up. It didn't take a long and it was hard because I'm short but I managed. I put on their music and start making cupcakes. I know they're not allowed to have many sweets but one day won't hurt. I also called the person responsible and they said it was fine as long as there is no cream. I finish up and put the cupcakes in the oven and start dancing to the music.  Someone opens the door but I don't realise cause the music is too loud and I'm having a good time. They then put down their things and hug me from behind. I jump and get out of the person's hands. I turn around and see that it is Daniel, I then ran up to him. He picks me up and swings me around and kissing me.

Stef: I thought you weren't coming back until tomorrow

Daniel: I was but I wanted to spend a day with my girl

Stef: Aww but you didn't have to do that for me

Daniel: I did. Since we want to keep this secret, we can't do anything

Stef: So what did you have in mind, we do

Daniel: For the rest of the day we cuddle and watch movies. Then tonight we go on our first date

Stef: Ok

My phone then went off telling me that the cupcakes were ready. I take them out carefully and wait until they're cool to put the icing on. While I was doing that, Daniel had gotten snacks, drinks, blanket and turned on Netflix's. I go and sit on top of Daniel and to my surprise, it was very comfortable and Daniel allowed me to stay in that option. We watched "the death cure" (I know it comes out in January but pretend it's already out), spud, another Cinderella story and the hobbit. We then decided to get up and go get ready for tonight. I was too lazy to decide what I was going to wear so I just put on a dress. (It's weird cause I don't like them) He took me to the mountain where we went when I first met them and as nice as it is, it reminded me of Zach. As much as I tried to forget, I just couldn't. After dinner, we went back to the house and just talked. It was getting late but I couldn't fall asleep because I was having an anxiety attack (I didn't know why tho) so Daniel started singing.

Daniel: I love you Stef

Stef: I love you too Daniel

I calmed down and fell asleep in his arms.

*The Next Day*

I got up and quickly got dressed. I went back downstairs to go wake Daniel up but he was already up. We left to go to the airport. As we had to wait a bit for them all to arrive we went to Starbucks. The boys came out one by one and it was good to see them again. Zach was the last person to arrive. When we both saw each other, we ran and he picked me up, swing me around. I knew that Daniel would be a bit jealous but I didn't care. On three Daniel, Jack and I screamed: "The best friends have been reunited". We laugh and Corbyn says

Corbyn: We should make one for all of us

Stef: Ok, what do we say

Corbyn: Why don't we say "The why don't we fam have been reunited". Oh and pun intended (sorry if that made you cringe)

Everyone: Yea

Stef: Ok, so on three we say it

Everyone: And three, The why don't we fam have been reunited

We laugh and get into the car. I told Corbyn that this week was going to be our science week bonding. I then text Logan about it but he said that he was going away. We get back to the house and I tell the boys to close there eye and not open them until told them too. I bring them in one at a time; I get in position and tell them to open their eyes.

Stef: Surprise!!!!!

Jonah: What's this for??

Stef: I just wanted to do something for you guys and before you say anything about the cupcakes you're allowed to have it but only today and there's no cream so your all good

They all give me a hug and we ate the cupcakes when I get a call from manager Jeff (he is also my manager)

Stef: Hey Jeff

Jeff: Hey, I have some good news for you

Stef: Ok what is it??

Jeff: You made it in that dance company and the director of the new Disney show just called me to tell me that you're definitely going to play a role in 'Best Friends Whenever'

Stef: OMG!!! No way. This is crazy

Jeff: Yes way. You have a meeting with them on Tuesday at 8:00 am at (the address)

Stef: Thank you so much for telling me. You just made my day a whole lot better

Jeff: No problem, keep killing it

Stef: I will, bye

Jeff: Bye

I close the phone and start jumping in the air like a madwoman. The boys walked out and started laughing. I laughed too and I told them the news. We had a group hug and went out to celebrate.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (2 September, 2018)

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