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Stef's Pov

Before everyone left we all went to say goodbye to everyone, I gave Keri a bunch of flowers and a candle to say thank you for having me. We ordered two taxies to bring us to the airport. In one car there was me, Jonah and Corbyn and in the other car was Zach, Jack, and Daniel. Shortly after we get to the airport. Corbyn pays the man and I hit him for paying. Because we had 2 hours to kill, we decided to go to Starbucks. I order a vanilla frappuccino, Zach gets a double chocolate chip frappuccino and the rest of the guys get a caramel frappuccino. We get our drinks and sit at a table. Zach and I were talking and the rest of the guys were talking. While Zach was talking, I had this big urge to take a sip of his drink so I did.

Zach: Hey, this is my drink

Stef: I know, I wanted to try it so I did

Zach: So how was it??

Stef: It was pretty good

Zach: Just "pretty good". This is amazing

Stef: Fine it's amazing

Zach: Much better

Stef: I only said that because I love chocolate and there's a lot of chocolate in that

Zach: I know, you have a really big sweet tooth

Stef: Yep, couldn't live without it

Microphone: Flight 352 is open to board

Corbyn: That's us guys

We get up and get our belongings and head to the line. It didn't take us long and we got to our sits in 20 minutes. We were all spread out throughout the plane. Jonah and I were sitting near the front, Jack and Zach were sitting in the middle and Daniel and Corbyn was sitting in the middle on the opposite side of us. We were about to take off and I started to fidget because I was getting anxious.

Jonah: Stef you ok??

Stef: Yea why??

Jonah: You keep moving and playing with your hands

Stef: I'm ok

Jonah: Then why is your voice telling me otherwise. Come on Stef, you can tell me anything

Stef: Fine, whenever I go on a plane and we take off or land I get anxious because I think something is going to happen

Jonah: Don't worry everything will be ok, just hold my hand

Stef: Okay

Jonah grabs my hand and holds me close to him. I can feel that were taking off so I close my eyes not wanting to see.

Jonah: You can look now, were in the sky

Stef: Ok

I open my eyes and slowly look out the mini window.

Stef: You can see everything from here

Jonah just sat there with a big smile on his face. I turn back around and saw the beautiful smile. I was kind of confused as to why he was smiling.

Stef: Jonah

Jonah: Yea

Stef: Why you smiling so big. Nothing exciting is happening. Right??

Jonah: Nothing exciting is happening but idk. It just makes me smile when you're happy

Stef: Aw Jonah, your too cute

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