The Next 2 Weeks Of Hell

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Stef's Pov

It's been 2 weeks and they have been the worst weeks of my life. All day every day, I have been feeling sick. I have no idea what is going on with my body and every time I eat or go anywhere I would get sick. I have been to my doctor and I've been taking my medicine but nothing seems to work. My mum found a person who can help me so she booked me an appointment to see her and hopefully get better. I don't know/believe that it will work but I would do anything to get better. It was hard for me to post a YouTube while I'm sick but when I first started my channel, I made extra video's so if something happened and I couldn't upload then I would upload one of the extra videos. When I uploaded one of the extra videos, I would tweet out saying that it was an extras video and the reason why I'm posting it. I also haven't really talked to anyone and Zach and the boys started getting really worried. They would keep calling/texting me but I wouldn't answer. I decided that I didn't want to talk to anyone because when I get sick, I will lose my shit very easily and I don't want to lose them because of something that I have said but didn't mean. Zach got to a point that he called my mum who told Zach what was happening with me then forced me to talk to him. I explained to him everything that was happening while crying my eyes out. I kept saying "why me, why does it always happen to me, I wish I would just die and never have to feel sick again". As I said this Zach was shocked but told me every reason why I shouldn't die. He told me that it has to get worse before it gets better and as he said that I thought about my cousin because he always used to tell me that when I was younger. I told him that I was extremely sorry for not answering him and the guys but I didn't want to say anything that I couldn't take back. Zach then sang to me and I fell asleep.

Zach's Pov

It's been 2 weeks and Stef hasn't been answering any of mine or the guy's calls or text and we were all really worried that something has happened to her or that we did something wrong. So I took matters into my own hands and called her mother

*call conversation*

Zach: Hey Mrs Longo, Is Stefania there. She hasn't been picking up her phone for the past 2 weeks and I and the boys are starting to get worried.

Mrs Longo: Hey Zach, Stefania is here but before you talk to her I need to tell you why

Zach: Ok

Mrs Longo: For the past 2 weeks, Stefania has been feeling sick all day and all night. She hasn't gone anywhere but her bedroom and she has been crying. She has been eating which I'm so thankful for but then after a few minutes, she would feel sick again. Now I'm going to pass you on to her

I was then put on the phone with Stef.

Zach: Hey Stef

Stef: Zach, the reason why I haven't been answering anyone for the past 2 weeks is that .....

Zach: You don't have to tell me if you don't want to

Stef: No Zach I want to. I have been sick for the past 2 weeks and when I'm sick I tend to say things I don't mean and I get really angry really quickly. I was scared that if I answered my phone and something ticks me off, I would say or do something that I would have regretted.

As Stef was saying this, she was crying and all I felt was sadness. She then kept saying that she wished that it would all just end and why she had to go through this. I calmed her down by me singing and eventually, she fell asleep but before she did she told me that she was so sorry about what happened then said I'm so thankful to have someone like you in my life. I closed the phone making Stef sleep and I told the boy's whats happening. They understood why she did it because when we're sick we like to be left alone as well. I was really upset because I was here and I couldn't do anything to help. I think Jack noticed because he came into my room and told me that it's all going to be fine. For the rest of the day, I was bumped out and everyone could tell so we didn't do anything. A few hours later I get a facetime call from Stef.

*FaceTime conversation*

Stef: Hey Zach, Can I talk to you and the guys for a minute?

Zach: Yea let me just get them

I messaged the guys to come to my room and a few minutes later they were all here.

Guys: Hey Stef, how have you been?

Stef: Hey guys, I'm doing ok now but I told Zach to call you here because I wanted to tell you all that I am so sorry about what happened for the past 2 weeks. I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings but it was a really bad time for me. And I promise to never do it again.

Boys: It's ok, we understand why you did what you did. We probably would have done the same thing

Stef: What did I ever do to get such amazing people in my life. No like seriously I love you guys.

Boys: We love you too

Jack: We'll now leave you and Zach to talk

The boys left the room, Stef and I kept talking and we kind of went on an online date where we picked a movie out and we both play it on our laptops.


Authors note: Hey guys I hope ya'll liked this chapter, make sure to comment your thoughts. Add me on Instagram at whydontwe_779. I hope you all have a good day/night xxx

- Stefania xx

(26th April 2018)

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