My Wedding Day

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(There will be a lot of skips in this chapter)

Stef's Pov

*2 days before*

Today Zach and I were going to leave back to LA with the rest of my family because my wedding is in two days. I know this is a little rushed but we really needed to come as the will be my second last time I will be living in Australia. Well, that's when my VISA card get approved as an American citizen. But before we left I made an appointment with my GP for a checkup and to ask him some questions. I will still be going to him but I will be permanently living in America.

*At the doctors w/ Zach*

Dr James: Stefania, you may come in now

Zach and I got up and went into the room. Dr James came in right after and we started. The first thing we did was measured my height and weight. Next, he checked my heartbeat and tapped my stomach as I have had problems with it in the past. And last but not least he checked my eyesight and everything seemed to be good. Now for the questions. As Dr James is aware, we are engaged and are going to get married so he knew what questions we were going to ask.

Stef: Dr James do you think that it is possible for me to become pregnant and not end up harming myself??

Dr James: I have talked to some doctors about this and we have all concluded that it do u get pregnant, when delivering the baby it could most likely kill you

Stef: Ok, thank you, doctor

Dr James: Congrats and good luck with the wedding

Zach: Thank you

We leave the room and I make another appointment in a few months time. We get back and go to the airport. I didn't sleep for the first plane ride and Zach got concerned so when we took off for the second plane ride he said something

Zach: Baby I know something is wrong, please tell me

Stef: Zach I can't give you what you want. A family, a child growing inside me that you can touch when it kicks. So why do you still want to marry me when I can't give that to you??

Zach: We can still have a kid, it just won't be inside of you and that's fine. As long as you are happy, I don't care. I love you and that's all that matters

Stef: I love you

Zach: I love you more, now get some rest

*skips to weddings day* *same date as our Anniversary cause we wanted to have the same anniversary*

*What I wore*

*What the bridesmaids wore*

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*What the bridesmaids wore*

*What the flower girl wore*

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*What the flower girl wore*

*What the boys wore but instead of bow ties they are wearing the same colour tie as the girls* (Oh and Jack, why so serious)

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*What the boys wore but instead of bow ties they are wearing the same colour tie as the girls* (Oh and Jack, why so serious)

*What the boys wore but instead of bow ties they are wearing the same colour tie as the girls* (Oh and Jack, why so serious)

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I'm in my wedding dress and ready to go. We have taken multiple photos and videos of us getting ready. I get out of the room and meet everyone that is on my side and Zach's family. I take as many photos as I can before we had to leave. Once we get to the church I start to freak out. I hate when all of the attention is on me unless I know what I'm doing and have a script. Then the music starts. First in goes my maid of honour Hanna. Then my two sisters, Christina and last but not least Reese as my junior bridesmaid. And as my little flower girl, I have Alissia my goddaughter who I spoil and love.

Stef: Alissia, can you something really important for me??

Alissia: Yea

Stef: Can you walk down all the way to mummy and daddy for me. You think you can do that??

Alissia: Only for you

She starts walking down then start running a bit and finally gets to Corbyn as he was closer. I look at my dad and we walk down the aisle. As soon as Zach saw me, the biggest smile formed on his face. When I got to him, my dad handed me over to Zach and kissed me on the cheek. Zach lets a tear fall and I wipe it away with my finger.

*skips the ceremony*

Priest: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride

Zach pulled me into a long passionate kiss that I didn't want to end. Everyone starts cheering and we walk outside and take photos. When it gets around 1:50 pm we stop the photos with everyone and drive to our destination to take individual photos.

*skip to the reception*

We get to the reception before everyone else and have something to eat as we barely ate anything all day. Then we go over our dance routines for when we walk in. Soon all the guest arrive and we all come out as we have been called. Zach and I came out to our song and did our dance. Everyone loved it and it was a great way to start the evening. Everyone sits down and we cut the cake.

We have our first course and the father daughter dance. Once the song finishes, my father hands me over to Zach and we dance to perfect by Ed Sheeran. When that song was over everyone came onto the dance floor. Zach and I went to do some photos with people and finished before the night ended. Then it got to the speeches. First from his best man Jonah to the last from Zach.

Zach: Thank you to everyone who came and flew here to take part in this marriage between this gorgeous lady and I. Stefania I can't believe I get to call you my wife. Ever since I first laid eyes on you as you walked into our backyard to meet us, I knew you were something different. (Haha pun intended, ok imma go now) As I got to know you, I found we have similarities and like them same things and I began to fall you hard. Then soon after you became my girlfriend and I was over the moon excited. Throughout the years we have had our ups and downs but in the end, we were still there for each other, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. So to my beautiful wife, I love you.

Stef: I love you more

Zach: Impossible

He leaned down and kissed me. We said our goodbyes to everyone and left. We got to our hotel to stay the night then go on our honeymoon to Paris for a week then to Grease for a week.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (12 September, 2018)

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