Leaving LA

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Stef's Pov

My mum wakes me up at 4:30 and got ready. I put on black leggings, white t-shirt, Zach's hoodie and white Nike's. We left Logan's Apartment and headed off to the airport. I was going to miss Logan and the boys but I had the best time of my life on this trip. I was playing a game on my phone when all I hear is singing, I take my headphones out and look behind me, the boys were walking up to me singing worldwide by Big Time Rush. (song that is shown above)

After they finished singing I ran up to Zach and jumped into his arms. He kissed me and spun me around. I asked him why he came and they all said we wanted to be there when you left. We talked until I the flight attendant said that the plane was ready to board. We kept saying goodbye and I started to tear up again.

Corbyn: Aww Stef, don't cry we're always gonna be together

Jack: Make sure that you call us

Daniel: Promise not to forget about me

Jonah: We all love you especially Zach

Zach: Make sure you message me when you land. I want to know that you're safe.

Logan: Don't go and be a stranger. Go on before I start to cry but be a maverick

Stef: I will, I promise to call you as much as I can. Daniel how could I forget any of you, you guys are truly a blessing and I-I lo-ve you guys too.

I hop on the plane and we take off. It took us 14 hours but we made it back to Australia. I was greeted by my family. Once I said hello and gave them a hug I messaged Zach saying that I have landed and I'm going home. Zach didn't respond because in LA it was 3:00 in the morning. When I got home I went straight to sleep cause I didn't sleep on the flight as it's so uncomfortable.

*ships to the next day*

I woke up the next day around 10 and I was glad that I got to sleep in. But when I looked at my phone, it had blown up with text and tweets from the boys. I messaged them and went in the shower. I put on my outfit for the day. I do my hair and get something to eat. It was 12:00 pm and I went to my friend Ali's house. We talked about my trip and about how amazing the boys were. She knew I liked Zach but she didn't know that we were together. Ali forced me to go shop in with her but she brought me food so it wasn't all that bad. We got back to Ali's house and I decided to call the boys. Jack answered the phone and said

*phone conversation*

Jack: Hey Steffy

Stef: Hey Noodlehead

Daniel: Who are you talking to

Jack: Stef

Zach: Move out of my way. Hey, ba......

I cut Zach off because I didn't want Ali to know what we were together

Ali: Stef, who are you talking to??

Stef: Ma boys as I turned my camera around

Ali: You're boys?? Walking over to me

Stef: Boys this is one of my best friends Ali. Ali this is WDW

Ali: I know who they are, you wouldn't shut up about them when we first met

Stef: Well I'm sorry there just so talented

Jonah: I guess she really wasn't lying when she said that she knew us from the beginning

Stef: Haha Jonah real funny

Jonah: Well what can I say, I'm a funny guy. Anyways you love me

Stef: Sure and let me think about that 🤔🤔

We talk for a bit then I got off. I said goodbye to Ali and my mum picks me up as I can't drive yet. I was starting school in a few days so I knew I probably wouldn't be available to talk as much so I texted Zach to tell him that. He was fine about it but still made time to call each other. On Saturday I went to church as my mum is really religious and every week I see my now ex-crush. It has always been weird but we didn't really talk much. After primary school, I felt like I had lost all of my best friends except Hanna. I saw him often cause our younger brothers were best friends. This time when I saw him, I made a promise that I was going to go up to him and talk to him. After church had finished I asked my mum if I could say hello before we left. She said that it was ok but we were gonna leave in 5. I went up to Kyle aka my crush and said hi. We caught up a little; then I asked him why we stopped taking, he said Idk but I missed having you as a friend. I haven't talked to anyone from our class and I go to school with half of them. He only had Skype so I gave him my username and said I'll see you soon. I left and was proud that I actually went up to Kyle and talked to him. I messaged Zach but he didn't respond. I ate dinner, skyped Hanna and went to sleep.

Authors note: Hope you guys like it and make sure to comment your thoughts. Add me on instagram at whydontwe_779. I hope you all have a good day/night xx

- Stef

(27 September 2017)

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