Happy Birthday

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Authors note: Before I start this chapter I want to say thank you all for the 3k reads. To be honest I didn't think anyone was going to read this book but I wrote it because I love the boys and because I like to write. So thank you all again, y'all are amazing 😊😊

Stef's Pov

Today is my birthday and I wake up at 6. I planned to catch the bus with my friend Bianca. I got dressed, put all my school stuff in my bad and got a spear pair of clothing to change into. I caught the early bus so I could meet her at her stop. I get to her stop and wait until she arrives. 5 minutes later she comes and screams Happy Birthday while giving me a bag of my favourite chocolates. I thank her and one of my friends from primary starts starring but I don't notice until she tells me. I get to school and my whole group says "Happy Birthday". My classes weren't that bad today and cause it was that last week we didn't really do anything. At recess I sat down with my group and start talking then someone comes into the school and every is say how cute he is but I didn't see who it was. A little bit later my group is starring at something behind me so I turned around to see who it was. Zach had brought flowers and there was a card inside. I get up to give him a hug.

Zach: Happy Birthday beautiful

Stef: Zach, you didn't have to

Zach: These are from the boys and I. You will be getting your present later.

Stef: Tell the boys I said thank you and I gave him a kiss on the cheek as my way of saying thank you

Ali: What was that??

Stef: What??

Ali: What was that kiss on the cheek??

Stef: Did I miss a law that says I couldn't give my boyfriend a kiss??

The girls in my group said Omg when did that happen and Zach just laughed. He left and I was attacked by questions. Girls from every year came up to me and asked who that was and when I said to them that he was my boyfriend they either nice or mean to me. The bell rang and we went to class.

*ship the boring classes*

It was finally lunch and my group had brought me presents, a cake and some other foods. They started singing happy birthday and I Snapchat it all with the caption saying "what my friends do for me 💖💖". I ate some cake but didn't have any other junk cause my body doesn't need it. School was finally over and I get a text message from the group chat with the boys.

Jack: Stef, you look really cute with you school uniform

Jonah: Aww my lil sis is growing up

Corbyn: You shouldn't have jewellery at school and nice flowers, I wonder who got them for you??

Daniel: Aww my best friend is so cute when she is confused

Stef: Guys how the hell do you know what I'm doing and wearing??

Zach: We can see you

Stef: How, where are you guys??

Jack: Go to the front gate

Daniel: We might have seen you walk past

From my locker, I say goodbye to my friends who had a locker near me and head to the front gate. I look outside the gates and all I see is Jack; I run out (pushing anyone in my way) and called out Jacks name. I run and hug him, he tells me that the rest of the boys are in the car and he points to the car. We get in the car and I hug the rest of the guys. They told me that the paper I did them was very helpful and that they went to the aquarium and the wildlife. Zach started teasing me that he got to meet my best friends the turtles and penguins but mostly the turtles. I pretended that I was upset and Jonah hit him. He said to Zach "don't make my lil sis upset especially on her birthday" Zach gave me a hug and said that I get to pick 1 item from any store and he will buy it for me. They told me that there was gonna be a surprise but it wasn't ready yet. We head back to the hotel before going to my birthday dinner. Zach and I watched 16 wishes and in the middle of the movie I .............

(8th November, 2017)

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