Going to Zach's Hometown

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Stef's Pov

I messaged Zach before the plane took off that I would be arriving at 5:00 am and to not pick me up because it's too early and that I would feel bad for making him wake up. Then he messaged me saying "I love you and I can't wait to see my beautiful girlfriend". I smiled at the message then put my phone away because the plane was about to take off. An older guy sits next to me and starts to stare at me. It felt weird because I don't know this person and he is staring at me like he knows me.

*skips the flight*

I grab my things and made my way to the baggage claim area. I had asked one of the security guard people (or whatever you call them) to help me. As soon I got my bags and thanked the security person. I started walking towards the exit when I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "hey" I said as I quickly turn around and punching them in the shoulder.

Zach: Hey babe

Stef: OMG Zach, I thought you were about to kidnap me. Don't ever do that again

Zach: I'm sorry, how can I make it up to you

Stef: You can first off, never do that again and second you can carry my bags because I'm tired of holding them

Zach: Ok, anything for you

I pass Zach my luggage but I kept my bag cause I didn't want him to carry everything. We walk outside and he tells me that his friend dropped him off so we were going back with him. Zach picks up my luggage and puts it in the back of the boot of a car, so I just assumed that this was one of his friend's car. I am then greeted by one of Zach's friends.

Stef: Hi, I'm Stefania but you can call me Stef

Friend: Hi and yea I know

Stef: ????

Friend: Zach talks about you all the time to us and on the way here, he wouldn't stop talking about you and how he can't wait to have you in his arms

I look down because I'm blushing so hard and I don't want anyone to see me. Luckily no one notices and Zach says

Zach: Dude, you weren't supposed to tell her that (cheeks turning red)

Stef: Oh and aww, Zach you are just too cute

We got into the car and I was really tired. Zach knows that I can't sleep on planes so he told me to sleep. As he was sitting at the back with me, I rested my head on him and I was out like a light. The car ride took 2 hours as there was a lot of traffic on the road. I woke up just before we got to Zach's house.

Zach: Hey babe, how was your little nap??

Stef: It was good. Thank you, I really needed it

Zach: I'm glad

I gave him a little peck on the cheek.

Friend: Aww, you guys are cute

I start blushing but not too much to be noticeable. We get out of the car and Zach takes my bag out of the boot. He opens the door to his house and I'm greeted by his family. They all knew who I was because I have already met them. We all have each other hugs and Myta (aka Mamma Herron) told me that I was going to be sleeping in Zach's room since Reece and Ryan already shared a room. Zach and I go up to his room and place my things away. I then went back down and asked/told them that I was going to take a nap because I didn't sleep on the plane. They just all nodded in understanding and I went back upstairs to Zach's room. I lay down on one of the beds, a few seconds later I feel someone come over and I know that it is Zach but sleep has overtaken my body. A little bit later, I wake up to be cuddled up in Zach's arms, I felt so protected and that anything is possible. His strong scent reminded me of spring. It's very relaxing and I couldn't imagine being anywhere else.

Zach: Hey babe, what are you thinking about??

Stef: Just how lucky I am to have you in my life

Zach: I love you

Stef: I love you more

Zach: Go get ready because I want to show you around

Stef: Ok give me a minute

I grab a top and pants and went into the bathroom. I came out 2 minutes later and put my dirty clothes in my suitcase. Zach got up and told his mum where we are going. Few hours of going around Dallas and eating, we decide to go back to the house and bring Reese and Ryan to the park near Zach's house. We got back to the house and Reese ran up to me and hugged me. I hugged her back and asked if she wanted to come to the park with us. Of course, she agreed to go to the park and so did Ryan. We told Myta so she doesn't freak out and think that they went missing. We walked to the park hand in hand. When we arrived at the park, Reese and I ran towards the playground. We both head to the slide and start going up and down it, Zach just stands there laughing while Ryan is recording it on Zach's phone. I get off the slide and sit down next to Zach. We start talking about random things when a girl approaches us.

Girl: Hey Zach,

Zach: Hey Maggie, this is Stefania, my girlfriend. Stef this is Maggie, she is a fan of the band

Stef: It's nice to meet you

I said with a smile. She just gives me a dirty but says

Maggie: Yeah, me too

then she walks away. Zach brings me towards the spider swing and we just lie there in each other's arms talking about what's going to happen when they go on tour in a month. I told him that I couldn't go with him because this is my last year of school and I have exams which I'm not allowed to miss a day off. He completely understood which I was so thankful for. We head back to the Herron house, ate dinner and went to sleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: first off a lot has happened since I've been off. 'Hooked' and 'Talk' are amazing like the boys are so talented. Jack turned 19 like OMG 😱😱😱 I still remember when he turned 17 that's crazy, THE BOYS ARE COMING TO AUSTRALIA AND I CSNT BELIEVE IT IM SO HAPPY. And just today I found out that Corbyn is sick and is in hospital 😭😭 I hope he gets better soon but other than that I hope y'all all enjoys 😊 love you all xx

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