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Sorry for the constant skipping in this chapter

Stef's Pov

*Skip several months*

So a few months ago it was confirmed that the Why Don't We and Forever In Your Mind, we're going on a worldwide tour. This tour was going to last about 4 - 6 months and the places they were going are USA, UK, Europe, Australia, Ireland, Mexico, New Zealand, and many other cities. When I had found out I had told my school and because I've done everything but my last test for child studies and my photography cause which I was on top of the class, they let me go. I still have to do work and send it over but I didn't mind as long as I was going. As this is my last year of University I was kind of happy to leave. I have learned so much and believe that I will do great things with the new skills I have in counted. After today I leave for America and I was so excited. I finish my test and went home. I pack my things, had dinner and fall asleep.

*the next day*

I get up at 5 because we have to be at the airport 1-2 hours before I take off. I said goodbye to my mum before I left as she didn't have to come to the airport. We arrive at the airport no longer than 30 minutes because there wasn't any traffic at this time of the day. I get a little breakfast and wait until my flight is called. Once my flight is called I say good to by papa and he tells me to be safe. I go through security and get onto the plane.

* skips the flight because it's boring AF*

I go get my luggage and I hear someone screaming my name. I turn around to see Zach running towards me, I ran towards him and he picks me up spinning me around. All of the boys we're recording us and put it on all over their social media. I then went over to the boys said hi and gave them a hug. We got into the van and Jonah drove us to why don't we house. When I walked in I was surprised to see Logan, Forever In Your Mind, Christina and all of their families all standing there. I was in shock and my eyes were getting watery. I said hello to everyone and we feasted on the food the Mother's have made for us. After dinner, we all just relaxed and watched 'Frozen' cause Reese, Isla and Svea all wanted to watch it. We had sung all of the songs and the boys just laughed at us, especially me but I didn't care cause I'm still a child at heart. Once the movie was over the girls were told to be quiet or else they had to go to bed so they started drawing. Jack had chosen to put on the movie 'Bigger Fatter Liar". After a little bit, I had noticed that Svea wasn't in the room but she was outside and looking sad. I got up and went to where she was. I bent down so that she would see my face but she didn't look at me.

Stef: Svea, honey, whats wrong?? You know you can tell me anything and I won't be mad. No matter what

Svea: Ok, well every time Jonah leaves, it makes me so upset because I don't get to spend a lot of time with him and we can't do everything we use to. I miss him so much every time he goes

Stef: Aww Svea (I wiped a tear that had fallen from her eye), trust me when I say this because Jonah misses spending time with you and would do anything to spend all the time with you. If you do feel sad because you can't see him then give him a call and most likely he will always answer and if he doesn't then call me and I promise you I will answer every single time

Svea: Pinky promise she said and put out her pinky finger

Stef: I pinky promise and attacked my pinky to her's. She engulfed me in a hug and I asked if she wanted to go to sleep and she said yes so we went inside. As I was walking in I saw Jonah and he smiled at me. Svea told him goodnight and I brought her up to Jonah's room. I tucked her into bed and started singing to her because she asked me too. She fell asleep, I kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room, closing the light behind me. I was soon tackled by Jonah.

Jonah's Pov

During 'Bigger Fatter Liar' I had gotten thirsty so I went into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. When I got into the kitchen, I saw that Svea was sitting down looking sad when Stef had gone up to her. They were talking for a bit and I couldn't take my eyes off them. I wanted to know what they were talking about but Svea would tell me unless I couldn't help her with what was going on. They pinky promised and hugged then came in. I was just pretending to drink my water while on my phone. When they came in Stef looked at me and smiled and Svea told me goodnight, then they left. I waited a few seconds before following them to my room. Stef starting to sing some song which surprised me because she never sings for anyone so Svea must be special for her to sing. She never liked her voice because she says that it's too high pitched which is a little true but it is amazing in my opinion. I love how Stef takes my family and makes it like her own, she treats them as kindly as she treats us. I also love how much she loves kids and how good she is with them. I love her for so much more but they are one of the top reasons. She kissed Svea on the forehead and left the room, closing the light on her way out. I grabbed her and pinned her to the wall and said

Jonah: I know that your heart belongs to Zach but I love you so much and I wish I could just kiss you right now but I can't

Stef: Jonah I love you too and there will always be a spot for you in my heart but you're right I belong with Zach, he is that part of me I wouldn't know what to do without. I'm sorry to put you through this pain

Jonah: I would also like to say thank you for looking and caring for my sister. She means the world to me and I don't know what I would do if anything happened to her and you have a beautiful voice

Stef: I know and thanks but your sister misses you so much so please pay the most attention to her and answer when she calls

She just gave me a hug and we both walked downstairs and she sits next to Zach.

Stef's Pov

I sit next to Zach cuddling him. Reese then comes up to me and asks if I could out her and Isla to bed which I happily agreed to. We were about to head up but I told the girls to say goodnight to the boys. We go up to my room and I tuck them into bed. I get up and grab a book and start to read it to them. Before I left the room I told them that they are beautiful, strong, kind girls who have the best family and friends, even if you fight sometimes they still love you. I want you to say to yourself every day that you are beautiful no matter what anyone says, promise. They promised and we pinky swore on it. I got up and kissed both of them on the forehead and went back downstairs. I could tell the guys where listening because they were running down the stairs and someone tripped over. I laugh at myself and went down. I see that Zach has hurt himself but I just said

Stef: That is what happens when you eavesdrop on a conversation

Jack: How did you know we were eavesdropping on you

Stef: First off I heard you all running down the stairs and second of all I heard someone fall and by Zach's leg, I can see I'm right

Corbyn: We didn't mean too and were sorry

Daniel: Stef you are so amazing with kids and they all seem to love you. You will be an amazing mother

Stef: It's all good and thanks, Dani but I think we should clean you up before you dirty anything

Zach: Ok

After I cleaned Zach's cut, we sat back down and fell asleep.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors note: (7 September, 2018)

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